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St. Louis County National Register Listings

#1 Fairway, 11869 Fairlind Drive, Sunset Hills (1/4/2024)

Affton High School, 8520 Mackenzie Road, Affton (8/12/10)

Alswel, 12696 Alswell Lane, Sunset Hills vicinity (1/03/89)

Archambault House, 603 Rue St. Denis, Florissant (5/13/76)

Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, 6900 Delmar Blvd., University City (9/23/80)

Atwood, John C. and Georgie, House (Historic Resources of Ferguson, Missouri, MPDF), 100 S. Clay Ave., Ferguson (5/20/18)

Aubuchon, August House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 1002 St. Louis, Florissant (9/12/79)

Aubuchon, Baptiste G., House, 450 Rue St. Jacques, Florissant (5/06/76)

B'Nai Amoona Synogogue, 524 Trinity, University City (4/22/84)

Ball-Essen Farmstead Historic District, 749 Babler Park Drive, Wildwood (12/28/01)

Bank of St. Ann, 10449 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Ann (10/9/2020)

Barretts Tunnels (map), 3015 Barrett Station Road, Kirkwood vicinity (12/08/78)

Barteau House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 305 N. Costello, Florissant (9/12/79)

Barton House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 680 Ste. Catherine, Florissant (9/12/79)

Bassett, Dr. Samuel A., Office and Residence, 1200 S Big Bend Blvd., Richmond Heights (2/3/93)

Bayley, Romanzo N., House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 419 E. Argonne, Kirkwood (10/03/02)

Beaumont-Tyson Quarry District, address restricted, Crescent Hills vicinity (also in Jefferson County) (10/10/74)

Bellecourt Apartments, 1107-1123 Bellevue Ave., Richmond Heights (9/16/02)

Bennett Avenue Historic District, 7901-8027 Bennett Ave. and 1221-1282 Laclede Station Road, Richmond Heights (3/20/08)

Benoist, Louis Auguste, House (Oakland), 7802 Genesta St., Affton (6/23/69)

Beverly Theater, 7740 Olive Blvd., University City (8/04/05)

Big Chief Restaurant, 17352 Old Manchester Road, Wildwood (4/02/03)

Bissell, Gen. Daniel, House (Franklinville Farm), 10225 Bellefontaine Road, Bellefontaine Neighbors (11/28/78)

Blake, John P. and Dora, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 549 N. Taylor, Kirkwood (10/03/02).

Bockrath-Wiese House, St. Ferdinand Park, Florissant (2/02/79)

Bonhomme Creek Archaeological District, address restricted (11/21/74)

Bopp, William, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 12120 Old Big Bend Road, Kirkwood (4/05/06)

Bouas House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 1290 St. Joseph, Florissant (9/12/79)

Brentmoor Park (map), Brentmoor and Forest Ridge District, Brentmoor and Forest Ridge, Big Bend and Wydown Blvds., Clayton (9/23/82)

Burkhardt Historic District (map), 16662-16678 Chesterfield Airport Road, Chesterfield (08/31/00)

Burkhardt Historic District (Boundary Increase; map), 16626-16660 (even numbered properties only) Chesterfield Airport Road, Chesterfield (5/05/06)

Busch's Grove, 9160 Clayton Road, Ladue (9/09/82; removed 1/07/05)

Cape, Dr. Leander W., Buildings (map), 7401-03 Hazel and 2737-47 Sutton, Maplewood (11/15/05)

Carney-Keightley House, 930 Hawkins Road, Fenton vicinity (7/08/10)

Carrswold Historic District (map), 1-26 Carrswold Drive, Clayton (9/09/82)

Casa Alvarez, 289 Rue St. Denis, Florissant (6/18/76)

Central Webster Historic District (map), roughly bounded by West and East Cedar, Plant and West Maple avenues, East and West Jackson Road, and Gray Avenue, Webster Groves (6/11/86)

Charbonier Bluff, address restricted, Hazelwood vicinity (9/28/95)

Church Street Commercial District (map), 2-100 Church St., Ferguson (8/23/84)

Clarke, Judge Enos, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 503 E. Monroe, Kirkwood (12/12/02)

Claverach Park, Roughly bounded by Broadview, Claverach, Crestwood, Harcourt, Hillvale and Ridgemoor drives, Clayton Road, and Wydown Bouelarvd, Clayton (8/24/15)

Coldwater Cemetery, 15290 Old Halls Ferry Road, Florissant vicinity (5/19/04)

Comfort, James H. and Marietta, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 235 E. Jefferson, Kirkwood (10/03/02)

Coral Court Motel, 7755 Watson Road, Marlborough (4/25/89; demolished)

Cori House, 1080 N. Berry Road, Glendale (10/02/86)

Cragwold, address restricted (12/30/09)

Crescent Quarry Archaeological Site, address restricted, Crescent (2/12/71)

Curtiss--Wright Aeroplane Factory, 130 Banshee Road, Hazelwood (9/06/16)

Czufin, Rudolph and Dorothy C., House, 24 Dielman Road, Ladue (7/12/02)

Delmar Loop-Parkview Gardens Historic District (map), roughly bounded by Kingsland Ave., North Drive, Delmar Blvd., and Eastgate, University City (also St. Louis City) (2/16/84)

Des Peres Presbyterian Church (Old Stone Church), Geyer Road between Clayton and Manchester roads, Frontenac (4/14/78)

Dr. Edmund A. Babler Memorial State Park Historic District (ECW Architecture in Missouri State Parks, 1933-1942 TR), Wildwood (2/27/85)

Donaldson Court Apartments, 601-15 Westgate Ave., University City (10/13/83)

Douglas House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 801 St. Francois, Florissant (9/12/79)

Downtown Kirkwood Historic District, 105-133 E. Argonne, 100-159 W. Argonne, 108-212 N. Clay, 105-140 E. Jefferson, 100-161 W. Jefferson, Kirkwood (10/28/09)

East Monroe Historic District (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF; map), roughly bounded by Madison Ave., S. Holmes St., Scott Ave., and Smith St., Kirkwood (7/14/04)

Fairfax House, 9401 Manchester Road, Rock Hill (4/15/04)

Farmers State Bank of Chesterfield, 16676-78 Chesterfield Airport Road, Chesterfield (8/20/99)

Father Dickson Cemetery, 845 S. Sappington Road, Crestwood (10/6/2021) 

Ferguson, Charles W., House (The Lockwood Group), 15-17 W Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves (9/18/84)

Ferguson School-Central School, 201 Wesley Ave., Ferguson (9/07/84)

Fishback, George W. and Virginia, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 440 E. Argonne, Kirkwood (10/03/02)

Fort Bellefontaine, Address Restricted (2/23/16)

Garrett, Louisa, House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 280 Washington St., Florissant (6/27/07)

Glen Echo Historic District (map), 3401 Lucas-Hunt Road, 7202-48 Henderson Ave., 7200-71 St. Andrews Pl., Normandy and Glen Echo Park (10/25/07)

Goldbeck House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 1061 St. Louis, Florissant (9/12/79)

Gorlock Building, 101-113 W Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves (11/08/84)

Grace Episcopal Church (Eliot Unitarian Chapel), Taylor and Argonne, Kirkwood (4/12/82)

Greenwood Cemetery, 6571 St. Louis Ave., Hillsdale (2/24/04)

Greenwood Historic District (map), 3500-3540 Greenwood and 7518 St. Elmo, maplewood (4/12/06)

Haarstick-Whittemore Houses, 6420 and 6440 Forsyth Blvd., Clayton (9/20/82)

Halsey, Egbert W., Cottage (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 126 E. Washington, Kirkwood (10/03/02)

Hammerman, Harry, House, 219 Graybridge Ln., Ladue (3/20/08)

Hampton Park (map), 1108-1176 Center Drive, 1012-1259 Hampton Park Drive, 1140-1173 Hillside Drive, 7914-8045 Park Drive, 8000-8062 South Drive, 7510-7600 Clayton Road, Richmond Heights (12/21/05)

Hanley, Martin Franklin, House, 7600 Westmoreland Ave., Clayton (5/27/71)

Hanson House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 704 Ste. Catherine, Florissant (9/12/79)

Hawken House, 1155 S. Rock Hill Road, Webster Groves (2/16/70)

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Elementary School, 1351 N. Hanley Road, University City (10/2/17)

Henry Avenue Historic District (map), 120, 210, 211, 218, 220, 226, 230, 310, 314 and 320 Henry Ave., Manchester (1/08/03)

Hi-Pointe - De Mun Historic District, roughly bounded by South Skinker Boulevard, Clayton Road, Seminary Place, De Mun Avenue and Northwood Avenue, Clayton (also in St. Louis City) (5/07/05)

Hi-Pointe - De Mun Historic District (Boundary Increase), roughly bounded by Clayton Road, De Mun Avenue, San Bonita Avenue, and Big Bend Boulevard, Clayton (3/22/07)

Hubecky House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 197 Lafayette, Florissant (9/12/79)

Hunt, Wilson Price, House, 7717 Natural Bridge Road, Normandy (9/23/80)

J. Milton Turner School, 238 Meacham Ave. and 245 Saratoga Ave., Kirkwood (8/22/02)

Jarville (Renard-Queeny House), 1723 Mason Road, Manchester (2/16/84)

Jefferson-Argonne Historic District (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), roughly defined as both sides of Jefferson Ave., the N side of Argonne bet. Taylor St. and Holmes Ave., Kirkwood (7/14/04)

Jefferson Barracks Historic District (map), roughly bounded by Mississippi River and Gark, Boundary and Sheridan roads, 10 miles south of St. Louis (2/01/72; AD, 10/08/10)

Jefferson Barracks Historic District (Additional Documentation) (10/8/10)

Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery (Civil War Era National Cemeteries MPDF), 2900 Sheridan Road, Green Park vicinity (10/02/98)

Jefferson Barracks VA Hospital (United States Second Generation Veterans Hospitals MPDF), 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive, St. Louis (7/14/15)

Keith, David, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 116 N. Woodlawn, Kirkwood (10/03/02)

Kirkwood Missouri Pacific Depot, W Argonne Drive at Kirkwood Road, Kirkwood (7/05/85)

Koch, Robert, Hospital, 4101 Koch Road, Oakville vicinity (10/31/84)

Kramer House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 520 Ste. Catherine, Florissant (9/12/79)

Kraus, Russell and Ruth Goetz, House, 120 N. Ballas Road, Kirkwood (01/31/97)

Kreienkamp Store, 19160 Melrose Road, Wildwood (05/05/00)

Kuehn House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 410 S. Harrison, Florissant (9/12/79)

Ladue Estates, 1-80 Ladue Estates Drive, Creve Coeur (5/26/10)

Lance House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 508 St. Antoine, Florissant (9/12/79)

Laramie, Marcus, House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 929 St. Denis, Florissant (9/12/79)

Larimore, Wilson, House, 11510 Larimore Road, Bellefontaine Neighbors (2/10/89)

Link, Theodore, Historic Buildings, 7100, 7104 and 7108 Delmar Blvd., University City (9/11/80)

Long, William, Log House, 9385 Pardee Road, Crestwood (12/05/78)

Lyceum, The, 920 Manchester Road, Manchester (4/03/79)

Manchester Methodist Episcopal Church, 129 Woods Mill, Manchester (2/10/83)

Maplewood Commercial Historic District at Manchester and Sutton, roughly bounded by Manchester, Marietta, Marshall and Sutton, Maplewood (12/20/06)

Maplewood Historic Commercial District (map), 7145-7233 and 7146-7192 Manchester Blvd. and 7209-11 Lanham, Maplewood (11/14/2019) 

Marshall Place Historic District (map), Marshall Place and Elm Street vicinity, Webster Groves (6/17/82)

Maryland Terrace Historic District, 7001-7419 Maryland Ave., and 7001-7394 Westmoreland Drive, University City (9/03/98)

McGarry House, 6965 Pershing Ave., University City (4/12/82)

McLagan, Lizzie, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 549 E. Argonne, Kirkwood (10/03/02)

McMullen, Patrick and Moire, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 212 W. Monroe, Kirkwood (10/03/02)

McPherson-Holland House, 115 Edwin Ave., Glendale (9/16/82)

Meramec River U.S. Bridge - J421 (Route 66 in Missouri MPDF), historic U.S. Route 66 spanning the Meramec River, Eureka vicinity (9/16/09)

Meyer House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 915 N. Lafayette, Florissant (9/12/79)

Moellring, Frank, House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 1002 Boone, Florissant (9/12/79)

Moller House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 200 Washington, Florissant (9/12/79)

Moorlands Addition Apartment District, roughly bounded by Clayton Road, Glenridge Avenue, Wydown Boulevard and (both sides) Westwood Drive, Clayton (9/30/09)

Mount Hope Cemetery, 1215 Lemay Ferry Road, Lemay (10/03/03)

Mudd's Grove, 302 W Argonne Drive, Kirkwood (4/05/84)

Murphy, Joseph and Ann, Residence, 7901 Stanford Ave., University City (5/10/10)

Myers, John B., House and Barn, 180 Dunn Road, Florissant (12/13/74; boundary increase, 9/19/77)

Narrow Gauge Railroad Station (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 1060 Ste. Catherine, Florissant (9/12/79)

New Mount Sinai Cemetery, 8430 Gravois Road, Affton (12/22/05)

Nicolay House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 549 N St. Jacques, Florissant (9/12/79)

Nims Mansion, 2701 Finestown Road, Oakville (10/2/17)

Nipher, Prof. Frances E., House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 435 N. Harrison, Kirkwood (10/03/02)

North Taylor Avenue Historic District (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), roughly bounded by Manchester Road, East Adams and North Taylor avenues, Kirkwood (8/07/12)

Norwood Hills Country Club (map), 1 Norwood Hills Country Club Drive, Ferguson (2/25/05)

Old Ferguson West Historic District (Historic Resources of Ferguson, Missouri, MPDF), roughly bounded by Carson Road, Harvey and Tiffin avenues, and Florissant Road, Ferguson (11/02/11)

Old Stone Church (Old Bonhomme Church), Conway and White roads, Chesterfield vicinity (4/13/73)

Old Webster Historic District (map), roughly bounded by Allen Ave., Elm Ave., W. Lockwood Ave. and the Missouri Pacific RR Tracks, Webster Groves (8/04/04)

Old Webster Historic District (Boundary Increase; map), 50-54 West Moody Ave., Webster Groves (11/13/2018)

Olive Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 309 S. Harrison Ave., Kirkwood (4/20/04)

Orrville Historic District (map), 526 and 538 Eatherton Road, Wildwood (10/18/03)

Osage Hills School, 1110 Glenwood S, Kirkwood (5/24/07)

Pappas, Theodore A., House, 865 Masonridge Road, Creve Coeur (2/14/79)

Park, George M., Residence, 440 S. Price Road, Ladue (1/26/2023)

Parkview Historic District, roughly bounded by Delmar, Skinker, and Millbrook Blvds. and Mellville Ave., University City (also in St. Louis City) (3/14/86)

Parkview Towers, 701 Westgate Ave., University City (7/24/2024)

Pasadena Hills Historic District (map), bounded by the city limits of Pasadena Hills, Pasadena Hills (12/04/04)

Patterson, Elisha and Lucy, Farmstead Historic District, 15505 New Halls Ferry Road, Florissant vicinity (11/17/04)

Payne-Gentry House, 4211 Fee Fee Road, Bridgeton (4/17/79)

Peters House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 903 Rue St. Francois, Florissant (9/12/79)

Pine Lawn Carriage House, 6292-94 Stillwell Drive, Pine Lawn (2/16/84)

Plant, Samuel, House, 800 Cella Road, Ladue (4/19/84)

Pond School (One-Teacher Public Schools of Missouri, c. 1774 to c. 1973 MPDF), 17123 Manchester Road, Wildwood (11/06/12)

Price School, Price School Lane, Ladue (2/14/85)

Rannells, Charles S. and Mary Warder, House, 2200 Bredell, maplewood (9/20/06)

Red Cedar Inn, 1047 East Osage, Pacific (4/02/03)

Reeb House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 446 St. Charles, Florissant (9/12/79)

Richter, Theodore and Lena, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 229 S. Van Buren, Kirkwood (12/05/02)

Rickelman House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 680 Washington, Florissant (9/12/79)

Ripple, Otto, Agency (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 753 Rue St. Francois, Florissant (9/12/79)

Robinson, George R. and Elsie, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 443 E. Argonne, Kirkwood (10/31/02)

Rock House (Edgewood Children's Center), 330 N. Gore, Webster Groves (9/09/82)

Rockwood Court Apartments, 330 W. Lockwood, Webster Groves (4/05/06)

Rott School, 9455 Rott Road, Sunset Hills (9/15/05)

St. Ferdinand Central Historic District (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), roughly bounded by Rue St. Francois, Rue St. Ferdinand, and Rue St. Denis, and Lafayette St., Florissant (9/12/79)

St. Ferdinand's Shrine Historic District (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), between Cold Water and Fountain Creeks, Florissant (9/12/79)

St. Stanislaus Seminary, 700 Howdershell Road, Florissant (9/22/72)

St. Vincent's Hospital, 7301 St. Charles Rock Road, Normandy (4/12/82)

Sancta Maria in Ripa (map), 320 E. Ripa Ave., Lemay (10/11/2022)

Sappington, Joseph, House, 10734 Clearwater Drive, Affton (10/14/82)

Sappington, Thomas J. House, 1015 S Sappington Road, Crestwood (6/28/74)

Sappington, Zephaniah, House, 11145 Gravois Road, Crestwood (9/18/80)

Saratoga Lanes Building, 2725 Sutton Blvd., Maplewood (1/29/08)

Schmidt House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 359 St. Jean, Florissant (9/12/79)

Schoonover House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 983 St. Antoine, Florissant (9/12/79)

Seed, Miles A., Carriage House, 2456 Hord Ave. (rear), Jennings (3/25/87)

Seven Gables Building, 18-26 N Meramec, Clayton (7/16/85)

Shanley Building, 7800 Maryland Ave., Clayton (9/20/82)

Sioux Passage Park Archaeological Site, address restricted, Florissant (7/24/74)

Smith House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 310 Florissant Road, Florissant (9/12/79)

Stroer House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 700 Aubuchon, Florissant (9/12/79)

Sutter-Meyer House, 6826 Chamberlain Court, University City (4/12/82)

Taille de Noyer (Mullanphy-Chambers House), 1 Rue Taille de Noyer, Florissant (1/10/80)

Tebeau House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 250 Ste. Catherine, Florissant (9/12/79)

Tebeau, Marvin, House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 449 St. Joseph, Florissant (9/12/79)

Thornhill (Governor Bates Estate), Faust County Park, Olive St. Road, Chesterfield (7/18/74)

Tilles, Rosalie, Park, 9551 Litzinger Road, Ladue (4/19/18)

Tolhurst, G. W., House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 345 E. Argonne, Kirkwood (10/03/02)

Tuxedo Park Christian Church, 700 Tuxedo Blvd., Webster Groves (11/08/06)

Tuxedo Park Station, 643 Glen Road at Tuxedo Blvd., Webster Groves (3/22/84)

U.S. Army Publications Distribution Center, 1655 Woodson Road, Overland (10/5/15)

University City Education District (Jackson Park Elementary, Hanley Junior High and University City Senior High School), 7400 and 7401 Balson Ave., and 951 N. Hanley Road, University City (1/31/85)

University City Plaza, bounded roughly by Delmar Boulevard; Trinity, Harvard, and Kingsland avenues; and south residential property line, University City (3/07/75)

University Heights Subdivision Number One (map), roughly bounded by Delmar Boulevard, Yale, Dartmouth and Harvard Ave., University City (9/23/80)

Unsell, Elijah J., House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 615 E. Monroe, Kirkwood (12/12/02)

Washington University Hilltop Campus Historic District, roughly bounded by Big Bend, Forsyth, Skinker, and Millbrook Blvds., Clayton (1/12/79; NHL 3/09/87)

Way, James W. and Mary, House (Historic Resources of Kirkwood, Missouri MPDF), 305 N. Harrison, Kirkwood (12/12/02)

Webster College-Eden Theological Seminary Collegiate District, 470 and 475 E Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves (12/28/82)

Webster Park Residential Historic District, roughly bounded by Newport, Bompart, East Lockwood, North Maple and Glen Road, Webster Groves (12/30/08)

White Haven (Grant-Dent House), 9060 Whitehaven, Grantwood Village (4/04/79; NHL 6/23/86)

Wildwood House, 40 Dames Court, Ferguson (4/05/06)

Williams Creek Archaeological District, address restricted (11/23/77)

Withington House (Historic Resources of the City of St. Ferdinand MRA), 502 St. Marie, Florissant (9/12/79)

Wydown-Forsyth District (map), roughly bounded by Forsyth, Skinker Blvd., Fauquier and Wydown Terrace Drive, and University Lane, Clayton (also in St. Louis City) (5/23/88)

*Each bold-faced link in the list above leads to a word-searchable NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION for that resource; other links provide maps or additional context for the resource. The items may be downloaded (right-click) or viewed in your Web browser (double-click). File sizes range from 1 MB to several hundred MB, the time required for loading will depend on your connection speed. You may obtain a free copy of Adobe Reader software required to read the materials by visiting our Help page.