Greene County National Register Listings

Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Mosque, 601 St. Louis St., Springfield (9/09/82)

Ambassador Apartments (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 1235 E. Elm St., Springfield (10/29/08)

Anderson, Elijah Teague, House, 406 N. Pine, Republic (11/14/80)

Bailey School, 501 W. Central St., Springfield (11/02/16)

Bentley House, 603 E. Calhoun, Springfield (11/14/80)

Benton Avenue AME Church, 830 N. Benton, Springfield, (10/14/01)

Berry Cemetery, 1431 W. Farm Road 74, Ash Grove vicinity (11/13/04)

Beverly Apartments (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 529 Cherry St., Springfield (7/10/17)

Boegel and Hine Flour Mill-Wommack Mill, east side of North Main Street, south of intersection with MO 125, Fair Grove (11/06/86)

Boone, Nathan, House, 1.75 miles north of Ash Grove on Highway V (10/01/69)

Camp Manor Apartments (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 423 E. Elm St., Springfield (12/06/05)

Campbell Avenue Historic District (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF; map), 200 and 300 blocks of South Campbell Avenue, and 300 block of Park Central West, Springfield (6/25/99)

Campbell Avenue Historic District (Boundary Increase; Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 318 and 322-326 S. Campbell Avenue, Springfield (12/23/05)

Christ Episcopal Church, 601 E. Walnut, Springfield (3/26/87)

College Apartments (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 408 E. Walnut St., Springfield (5/01/03)

Commercial Street Historic District (map), Commercial Street, Springfield (5/24/83, Additional Documentation, 06/25/2001)

Day House, 614 South St., Springfield (11/07/76)

Fallin Brothers Building (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 211-229 S. Market Ave., Springfield (7/25/12)

Fallin Garage (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 423 W. Olive St., Springfield (9/15/2023)

Finkbiner Building (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 509-513 W. Oliver St., Springfield (5/25/05)

Franklin Springfield Motor Co. Building (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 312-314 E. Olive St., Springfield (11/15/06)

Gillioz Theater, 325 Park Central E, Springfield (7/09/91)

Gilmore Barn, US 160, 3.5 miles east of Ash Grove, Ash Grove vicinity (4/08/94)

Gottfried Furniture Co. Building, (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 326 Boonville Ave., Springfield (12/18/07)

Greene County Courthouse, 940 Boonville Ave., Springfield (11/14/07)

Heer's Department Store (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 138 Park Central Square, Springfield (10/24/02)

Heercleff (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 6405 S. Campbell Ave, Springfield (11/07/16)

Holland Building (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 205 Park Central East, Springfield (11/15/00)

Hotel Sansone (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 312 Park Central E, Springfield (05/05/00)

Jefferson Street Footbridge, Jefferson Ave., bet. Commercial and Chase streets, Springfield (9/02/03)

Keet-McElhany House, 435 E. Walnut, Springfield (3/22/84)

King, J.E., Manufacturing Co. (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 1350 St. Louis St., Springfield (7/27/05)

Kite, Robert B. and Vitae A., Apartment Building, 769-771 South Ave., Springfield (1/28/04)

Landers Theater, 311 E. Walnut, Springfield (8/12/77)

Lincoln School, 815 N. Sherman, Springfield (5/31/00)

McDaniel Building, 316 Park Central E., Springfield (10/22/14)

Marquette Hotel (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 400 E. Walnut, Springfield (05/05/00)

Marx-Hurlburt Building (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 311-315 E. Park Central Sq., Springfield (9/02/03)

Mid-Town Historic District (map), roughly bounded by Pacific, Clay, Pythian, Summit, Calhoun, Washington, Central, Benton, Division, and Jefferson, Springfield (7/13/89)

Mid-Town Historic District (Boundary Increase; map), roughly along N. Robberson Ave. and N. Jefferson Ave., Springfield (8/09/02)

Netter-Ullman Building (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 317 Park Central East, Springfield (4/18/03)

Oberman, D. M., Manufacturing Co. Building, 600 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield (4/18/2002)

Old Calaboose (Old Springfield City Jail), 409 W. McDaniel, Springfield (11/14/80)

Palace Hotel (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 501 College St., Springfield (11/27/02)

Pearl Apartments and Windsor Apartments (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 728 and 722 S. Jefferson St., Springfield (12/06/05)

Pearson Creek Archaeological District (district includes: 23GR28; 23GR46; 23GR47; 23GR48; 23GR49; 23GR50; 23GR61; 23GR116; 23GR117; 23GR119; 23GR120; 23GR123; 23GR130; 23GR133; 23GR134; 23GR135; 23GR167; 23GR176; 23GR177; 23GR341; Phelps Diggings; Pierson Mines; Gem Mines; Suffold and Eversal Shafts; Daisy Mine; Lewis and Benz Mines; Meyers Mine; Wolverine and O'Day Mines; Nathalie and Kodak Mines; Kershner Cemetery; Schoolcraft's Camp and Marker; and Simpson Cemetery), address restricted (10/11/78)

Producers Ice and Manufacturing Company, 524 W. Chase St., Springfield (1/29/18)

Producers Produce Co. Plant(Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 501 N. Main Ave., Springfield (4/12/10)

Pythian Home of Missouri, 1451 E. Pythian St., Springfield (10/07/09)

Rail Haven Motel (Route 66 in Missouri MPDF), 203 S. Glenstone Ave., Springfield (5/10/10)

Rock Fountain Court Historic District (map), 2400 W. College St., Springfield (4/02/03)

Route 66 Steak 'n Shake (Route 66 in Missouri MPDF), 1158 E. St. Louis St., Springfield (8/01/12)

St. John's Mercy Hospital Building, 620 W. Scott, Springfield (9/02/03)

St. Paul Block (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 401 S. Ave., Springfield (1/15/09)

Schneider, Henry, Building (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 600 College St. and 219-231 S. Main Ave., Springfield (8/24/06)

South Avenue Commercial Historic District (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF; map), Walnut and Pershing streets, South and Robberson avenues, Springfield (6/25/99)

South-McDaniel-Patton Commercial Historic District (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF; map), roughly bounded by South Campbell Avenue, West McDaniel Street, South Avenue, and West Walnut Street Springfield (3/07/03)

Springfield Furniture Co. (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 601 N. National, Springfield (7/05/06)

Springfield Grocer Co. Warehouse (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 323 N. Patton Ave, Springfield,  (7/08/10)

Springfield National Cemetery (Civil War Era National Cemeteries MPDF), 1702 E. Seminole St., Springfield (8/27/99)

Springfield Public Square Historic District (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF; map), 149,138,137,134,127,132,124, and 122 Park Central Square, 219, 221, South Avenue, Springfield (5/05/06)

Springfield Public Square Historic District (Boundary Increase; Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), E. side Public Square, part of the 300 block Park Central E., N. side of 200 block of W. Olive, Springfield (1/13/10)

Springfield Seed Co. Office and Wholesale Building (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 319 N. Main Ave., Springfield (9/14/2006)

Springfield Warehouse and Industrial Historic District (map) (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), East Water, West Mill and West Phelps streets and Boonville Avenue, Springfield (6/25/99)

Stone Chapel, Drury College Campus, Benton and Central streets, Springfield (10/21/82)

Trail of Tears Roadbed Segment on Josiah Danforth Farm (Cherokee Trail of Tears in Missouri, 1837-1839 MPDF), Address Restricted, Strafford vicinity (7/23/18)

U.S. Customhouse and Post Office, 830 Boonville Ave., Springfield (6/27/79)

Walnut Street Historic Commercial District (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), Walnut Street, Springfield (6/25/99)

Walnut Street Historic District (map), roughly bounded by McDaniel, Walnut and Elm streets and Sherman Parkway, Springfield (3/21/85)

Walnut Street Historic District (Boundary Decrease), along East Elm Street, Springfield (10/19/01)

Walnut Street Historic District (Boundary Increase), roughly along East Walnut Street, from the 700 and 800 Blocks, Springfield (8/05/02)

Washington Avenue Baptist Church (Second Baptist Church), 729 N. Washington, Springfield (12/22/00; removed 10/06/01)

West Walnut Street Commercial Historic District (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), roughly 400-300 blocks of West Walnut Street and 300-400 blocks of South Campbell Avenue, Springfield (3/20/02)

Wilhoit, E. M., Building (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 300-330 E. Pershing St., Springfield (1/31/05)

Wilhoit, Edward M. and Della C., House, 903 S. Weller Ave., Springfield (12/23/04)

Wilshire Apartments (Historic and Architectural Resources of Springfield, Missouri MPDF), 520 S. Jefferson, Springfield (4/10/08)

Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, southeast of Springfield on MO 174 (10/15/66)

Wise Feed Co. Building, 438-440 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield (1/06/03)

Woods-Evertz Stove Co. Historic District (map), bounded by North Jefferson Avenue, East Phelps Street, North Robberson Avenue and East Tampa Street, Springfield (10/23/2003)

*Each bold-faced link in the list above leads to a word-searchable NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION for that resource; other links provide maps or additional context for the resource. The items may be downloaded (right-click) or viewed in your Web browser (double-click). File sizes range from 1 MB to several hundred MB, the time required for loading will depend on your connection speed. You may obtain a free copy of Adobe Reader software required to read the materials by visiting our Help page.