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Buchanan County National Register Listings

Benton Club of St. Joseph, The, 402 N. Seventh St., St. Joseph (10/2/17)

Buchanan County Courthouse and Jail, Courthouse Square, St. Joseph (8/21/72; boundary decrease 8/02/78)

Buchanan County Infirmary, 3500 N. Village Drive, St. Joseph (1/29/09)

Buddy, Charles A. and Annie, House (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 424 S. Ninth St., St. Joseph (5/14/04)

Burnside-Sandusky Gothic House, 720 S. 10th St., St. Joseph (1/19/05)

Cathedral Hill Historic District (map; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), North Ninth Street, Powell Street and North 13th Street, St. Joseph (6/15/00)

Central / North Commercial Historic District (map; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), roughly bounded by North Fourth, Main, Francis and Robidoux streets, St. Joseph (3/08/91)

Central Police Station, 701 Messanie, St. Joseph (11/05/09)

Century Apartments (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 627 N. 25th St., St. Joseph (7/5/01)

Christian Sachau Saloon (Historic Resources of Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph MRA), 1613-1615 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph (10/25/85)

City Hose Company #9 (Historic Resources of Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph MRA), 2217 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph (10/25/85)

Corby-Forsee Building, Fifth and Felix streets, St. Joseph (3/27/80)

Dewey Avenue-West Rosine Historic District (map; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), roughly bound by Prospect Avenue, Auguste Street, Dewey Avenue and West Rosine Street, St. Joseph (8/01/02)

Eckel, Edmond Jacques, House, 515 N. Fourth St., St. Joseph (1/31/80)

Everett School (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 826 S. 14th St., St. Joseph (9/15/05)

Fenton, Enoch Madison, House, southeast of Rushville (4/12/82; demolished)

Geiger, Dr. Jacob, House (Historic Resources of Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph MRA), 2501 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph (3/12/86)

German-American Bank Building (First Federal Building, American National Bank Building), 624 Felix St., St. Joseph (11/24/78)

Hall School, 2509 Duncan St., St. Joseph (1/31/17)

Hall Street Historic District (map), roughly bounded by Isadore, Corby, Sixth and Ninth streets, St. Joseph (7/17/79)

Harris Addition Historic District (map; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), roughly bounded by 16th, Dalton, 22nd and Edmond streets, St. Joseph (1/13/03)

Herbert, Alois, Double House (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 620 S. 10th St., St. Joseph (5/29/07)

James, Jesse, House, 12th Street and Mitchell Avenue, St. Joseph (9/04/80)

Kelley and Browne Flats (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 1208-1216 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph (8/03/89)

Kemper Addition Historic District (map; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), portions of Clay, Union, Kemper and Bon Ton streets, St. Joseph (9/20/02)

King's Hill Archaeological Site, St. Joseph (4/16/69)

Krug Park Place Historic District (mapHistoric Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), roughly bounded by St. Joseph Avenue, Myrtle Street, Clark Street and Magnolia Avenue, St. Joseph (8/01/02)

Lawler Motor Co. Building (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 1224 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph (1/08/09)

Livestock Exchange Building, 601 Illinois Ave., St. Joseph (listed 4/20/04; demolished 2023; delisted 1/7/25) 

Logan, John Sublett Jr. and Caroline Ashton, House (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 1906 N. 22nd St., St. Joseph (5/07/07)

"Maple Grove" (Joseph Davis House), 2100 N. 11th St., St. Joseph (10/16/74)

Market Square Historic District (map), roughly bounded by Edmond, Felix and North Third streets, and Market Place, St. Joseph (2/17/72)

McIntyre-Burri House (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 808 N. 24th St., St. Joseph (12/23/05)

Miller, Issac, House, 3003 Ashland Ave., St. Joseph (9/17/80)

Miller-Porter-Lacy House, 2912 Frederick Blvd., St. Joseph (9/09/82)

Missouri Theater and Missouri Theater Building, 112-128 S. Eighth and 713-721 Edmond St., St. Joseph (10/11/79)

Missouri Valley Trust Company Historic District, Felix and Fourth streets, St. Joseph (3/04/75)

Mount Mora Cemetery, 824 Mount Mora Road, St. Joseph (7/19/06)

Museum Hill Historic District (map; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), roughly bounded by Ninth, Francis, 12th, Jules, 15th and Messanie streets, St. Joseph (3/08/91)

Museum Hill Historic District (Boundary Increase; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 321 and 323 N. 15th and 1510 Faraon St., St. Joseph (8/05/09)

Neely Elementary School, 1909 S. 12th St., St. Joseph (6/23/14)

Nelson-Pettis Farmsteads Historic District, 4401 Ajax Road, 3412 Pettis Road, St. Joseph (5/11/95)

Patee John, House, 12th and Penn streets, St. Joseph (10/15/66; NHL 11/05/61)

Patee Town Historic District (map; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), roughly bounded by Penn, South 11th, Lafayette and South 15th streets, St. Joseph (8/01/02)

Pleasant Ridge School, St. Joseph vicinity (5/02/85)

Pony Express Stables (Pike's Peak Stables), 914 Penn St., St. Joseph (4/03/70)

Richardson, John D., Dry Goods Co. (American Electric Co.), 300 N. Third St., St. Joseph (4/12/82)

Robidoux Hill Historic District (map; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), roughly bounded by Franklin, Robidoux, Fourth, Louis and Fifth streets, St. Joseph (8/03/89)

Robidoux Row, 219-225 E. Poulin St., St. Joseph (3/07/73)

Robidoux School (Junior College Archive Building), 201 S. 10th St., St. Joseph (8/11/83)

Ryan Block (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 1137-1141 Frederick Ave., St. Joseph (1/29/13)

St. Joseph City Hall (Historic Resources of Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph MRA), Frederick at 11th Street, St. Joseph (10/25/85)

St. Joseph Park and Parkway System (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), roughly along Northwest, Northeast, Corby Grove, Southwest and A parkways and Noyes Boulevard from Krug Park to Hyde Park, St. Joseph (1/20/95)

St. Joseph Public Library-Carnegie Branch, 316 Massachusetts St., St. Joseph (5/20/99)

St. Joseph Public Library (Free Public Library, Public Museum, Public Library, Board of Education Building), 10th and Felix streets, St. Joseph (9/20/82)

St. Joseph's Commerce and Banking Historic District (map; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), roughly bounded by Francis, Edmond, Third and Ninth streets, St. Joseph (7/5/01)

South Fourth Street Commercial Historic District (map; Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), roughly bounded by South Third, South Fifth, Charles and Messanie streets, St. Joseph (3/08/91)

Sugar Lake State Park Open Shelter (ECW Architecture in Missouri State Parks, 1933-1942 TR), Rushville vicinity off MO 138 (2/28/85)

Thompson-Brown-Sandusky House, 207 E. Cliff St., St. Joseph (2/10/83)

Virginia Flats, 516-518 and 520-528 N. 10th St., St. Joseph (5/21/92)

Vosteen-Hauck House, 913 N. Second St., St. Joseph (9/23/82)

Western Tablet and Stationery Co., Building #2 (Historic Resources of St. Joseph, Buchanan County, Missouri MPDF), 1300 S. 12th St., St. Joseph (8/16/07)

Wholesale Row (map), bounded by Jules, Third, Fourth and Francis streets, St. Joseph (9/19/77)

Wyeth Flats (Historic Resources of Frederick Avenue, St. Joseph MRA), San Regis Apartments, 1015-1031 Faraon, St. Joseph (10/25/85)

*Each bold-faced link in the list above leads to a word-searchable NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION for that resource; other links provide maps or additional context for the resource. The items may be downloaded (right-click) or viewed in your Web browser (double-click). File sizes range from 1 MB to several hundred MB, the time required for loading will depend on your connection speed. You may obtain a free copy of Adobe Reader software required to read the materials by visiting our Help page.