Is My Property Eligible for Listing in the National Register?

This is a question owners of older properties frequently ask, and one the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) staff can help answer.

In order to assess the National Register eligibility of an individual property or a small complex of buildings, the SHPO strongly encourages submission of an eligibility assessment form and current photographs of the property prior to the preparation of a National Register nomination. If you are unable to download the form, you can email your name and mailing address to or contact the SHPO at 573-751-7858.

All assessments are based on National Register of Historic Places criteria for eligibility. A property must retain most or all of its historic physical characteristics in order to be eligible for National Register listing. Additional information on the National Register can be obtained by visiting the National Register of Historic Places. Of particular use in completing the eligibility assessment are National Register Bulletin #15: "How to Apply National Register Criteria" and Bulletin #39: "Researching an Historic Property."

Digital submissions are encouraged. For instructions or questions about submitting via Dropbox, please contact 573-751-7858 or To submit a paper copy or on disc, please mail to: DNR/State Historic Preservation Office, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176. Within 30 days from receipt of the above information, the SHPO staff will respond with a written opinion as to the eligibility of the property.

Communities considering nominating commercial, industrial or residential historic districts should begin with an architectural/historic survey. These surveys provide an inventory of buildings and other significant resources in a neighborhood or community, and a historic context for understanding significant events and historic development patterns. Surveys are used to identify National Register eligible properties and to provide a “snapshot” in time that can be used later to mark changes and improvements in the neighborhood over time.