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Clay County National Register Listings

Aker Cemetery, northeast of Smithville off MO W (11/13/74)

Antioch Christian Church, 4805 NE Antioch Road, Kansas City (4/02/79)

Armour Theatre Building, 400-410 Armour Road, North Kansas City (6/24/08)

Arthur-Leonard Historic District (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF; map), roughly bounded by Ford Avenue, Jewell, Choctaw, and Missouri streets, Liberty (1/4/01)

Atkins-Johnson Farmhouse Property, 6508 N. Jackson Ave., Gladstone (11/07/07)

Boarding House District (Historic Resources of Excelsior Springs, Missouri MPDF), 401-608 Benton, 339-436 E. Broadway, 201-223 S. Francis, 105 Haynes, 309-526 Isley, 101 Linden, 110-112 Perry, 103-305 Saratoga, 000-213 Temple, Excelsior Springs (8/24/18)

Clay County Savings Association Building (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF), 104 E. Franklin, Liberty (12/28/92)

Claybrook House, Kearney vicinity (12/21/81)

Clinton House, 404 S. Leonard St., Liberty (11/22/78)

Colonial Hotel, 328 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs (6/24/10)

Compton, Dr. James, House, 5410 NE Oak Ridge Road, Kansas City (7/10/79)

Dougherty-Prospect Heights Historic District (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF; map), roughly bounded by Mississippi, Gallatin and Schrader streets and Fairview Avenue, Liberty (1/4/01)

Downtown Smithville Historic District, roughly bounded by Bridge, Church, Commercial and Meadow streets, Smithville (4/21/14)

Elms Hotel, Regent and Elms Boulevard, Excelsior Springs (3/29/85)

Elms, The, Historic District (Historic Resources of Excelsior Springs, Missouri MPDF), roughly 400 block of Regent Avenue, 500 block of Elms Boulevard, 500-600 blocks of Kansas City Avenue, Excelsior Springs (3/31/14)

Excelsior Springs Hall of Waters Commercial East Historic District, roughly along portions of East and West Broadway and Main Street, Excelsior Springs (5/27/99)

Excelsior Springs Hall of Waters Commercial West Historic District, roughly along portions of Thompson and St. Louis avenues; South, Main, Marietta and Spring streets, and Elm Boulevard, Excelsior Springs (5/27/99)

First Methodist Church, 114 N. Marietta St., Excelsior Springs (10/28/09)

Garrison School Historic District (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF; map), roughly along North Main and North Water streets, Liberty (1/4/01)

Hall of Waters (Siloam Park and Springs; map), 201 E. Broadway, Excelsior Springs (6/09/83)

Hughes, Frank, Memorial Library (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF), 210 E. Franklin, Liberty (12/28/92)

IOOF Liberty Lodge #49 (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF), 16-18 E. Franklin, Liberty (12/28/92)

James Brothers' House and Farm (Birthplace of Jesse James), 2.25 miles northeast of Kearney (3/16/72); Boundary Increase (9/27/78)

Jewell Hall, Jewell Street between Kansas and Mississippi streets, Liberty (9/06/78)

Jewell-Lightburne Historic District (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF; map), roughly bounded by North Jewell, East Mill, Main and Gordon streets, Liberty (1/4/01)

Ligon Apartments, 211 E. Excelsior St., Excelsior Springs (5/17/10)

Major Hotel (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF), 112 E. Franklin, Liberty (12/28/92)

Miller Building (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF), 2 E. Franklin, Liberty (12/28/92)

Missouri City Savings Bank Building and Meeting Hall, 417-419 Main St., Missouri City (7/30/10)

Mt. Memorial Cemetery, 500 block of East Mississippi Street, Liberty (4/24/12)

Nebo Hill Archaeological Site, address restricted (3/04/71)

Odd Fellows Home District (map), MO 291, Liberty (9/15/87)

Sears, Roebuck and Co. Warehouse Building, 715 Armour Road, North Kansas City (5/09/97)

South Liberty Courthouse Square Historic District (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF; map), South Main and East Kansas streets, Liberty (12/28/92)

Watkins Mill, 6 miles northwest of Excelsior Springs (11/13/66; NHL 11/13/66, updated NHL 9/2/24)

West Liberty Courthouse Square Historic District (Historic Resources of Liberty MPDF; map), North Main Street, Liberty (12/28/92)

Wheeling Corrugating Co. Building, 820 E. 14th Ave., North Kansas City (10/21/94)

Woodneath (Eldridge Arnold Homestead), 8900 NE Flintlock Road, Kansas City (2/17/78)

Wyman School, 100 Dunbar St., Excelsior Springs (7/24/08)

*Each bold-faced link in the list above leads to a word-searchable NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION for that resource; other links provide maps or additional context for the resource. The items may be downloaded (right-click) or viewed in your Web browser (double-click). File sizes range from 1 MB to several hundred MB, the time required for loading will depend on your connection speed. You may obtain a free copy of Adobe Reader software required to read the materials by visiting our Help page.