Barry County National Register Listings

Camp Smokey/Company 1713 Historic District (ECW Architecture in Missouri State Parks, 1933-1942 TR), Cassville vicinity off Park Road (2/26/85)

Cassville Ranger Station Historic District (Historic and Architectural Resources of the Mark Twain National Forest MPDF), MO 248, Cassville (8/04/03)

Courdin House, Old, 2.4 miles southeast of Monett (11/05/71)

Downtown Monett Historic District, parts of the 200-400 blocks of Broadway and Bond, Monett vicinity (6/27/14)

McMurtry Spring and Trail of Tears Roadbed Segment (Cherokee Trail of Tears in Missouri, 1837-1839 MPDF), address restricted, Cassville vicinity (7/23/18)

Natural Bridge Archaeological Site, address restricted (5/05/72)

Roaring River Camps and Hotel Summer Cottage, 24895 Farm Road 1135, Cassville vicinity (1/4/2024)

Roaring River State Park Bath House (ECW Architecture in Missouri State Parks, 1933-1942 TR), Cassville vicinity off Park Road (3/04/85)

Roaring River State Park Dam/Spillway (ECW Architecture in Missouri State Parks, 1933-1942 TR), Cassville vicinity off Park Road (2/28/85)

Roaring River State Park Deer Leap Trail (ECW Architecture in Missouri State Parks, 1933-1942 TR), Cassville vicinity off Park Road (2/26/85)

Roaring River State Park Honeymoon Cabin (ECW Architecture in Missouri State Parks, 1933-1942 TR), Cassville vicinity off Park Road (2/26/85)

Roaring River State Park Hotel (ECW Architecture in Missouri State Parks, 1933-1942 TR), Cassville vicinity off Park Road (3/04/85)

Roaring River State Park Shelter Kitchen No. 2 and Rest Room (ECW Architecture in Missouri State Parks, 1933-1942 TR), Cassville vicinity off Park Road (2/26/85)

Southwest Missouri Prehistoric Rock Shelter and Cave Sites Discontiguous Archeological District (Prehistoric Rock Shelter and Cave and Cave Sites in Southwestern Missouri MPDF), address restricted (10/24/91)

Tom Town Historic District (map [see note]), off County Road W, south of Pleasant Ridge, Pleasant Ridge vicinity (12/15/89)

Waldensain Church and Cemetery of Stone Prairie, Route 2, Monett vicinity (1/18/85)

Wheaton Missouri and North Arkansas Railroad Depot, junction of Main and Barnett streets, Wheaton, Barry County (2/10/00)

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