Shannon County National Register Listings

Akers Ferry Archaeological District, address restricted (10/25/90)

Alley Spring Roller Mill (Red Mill), west of Eminence off MO 106 (12/08/81)

Alley Spring State Park Historic District, Missouri Route 106 at the Jacks Fork River, Eminence vicinity (8/02/2023)

Alton Club, gravel road, 1.5 miles west of MO 19 and 12 miles north of Eminence, Eminence vicinity (10/14/05)

Buttin Rock School (Missouri Ozarks Rural Schools MPDF), east bank of Current River, south of Powder Mill Ferry, Eminence vicinity (5/31/91)

Chilton-Williams Farm Complex, east of Eminence off MO 106 (9/02/81)

Culpepper-Pummil Site, address restricted (2/03/88)

Klepzig, Walter, Mill and Farm, along Rocky Creek, Eminence vicinity (2/13/90)

Old Eminence Site, address restricted (2/04/88)

Owl's Bend Site, address restricted (5/12/88)

Pulltite Site, address restricted (2/04/88)

Reed Log House, along Current River south of Powder Mill Ferry, Eminence vicinity (4/29/91)

Rhinehart Ranch (Spring Valley Ranch), northwest of Eminence (11/14/80)

Round Spring Archaeological District, address restricted (1/25/93)

Shawnee Creek Site, address restricted (4/27/90)

Two Rivers Site, address restricted (1/23/93)

Winona Ranger Station Historic District (Hisotric and Architectural Resources of the Mark Twain National Forest MPDF), Route 1, MO 19N, Winona (8/04/03)

*Each bold-faced link in the list above leads to a word-searchable NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION for that resource; other links provide maps or additional context for the resource. The items may be downloaded (right-click) or viewed in your Web browser (double-click). File sizes range from 1 MB to several hundred MB, the time required for loading will depend on your connection speed. You may obtain a free copy of Adobe Reader software required to read the materials by visiting our Help page.