Montgomery County National Register Listings

Baker, Sylvester Marion and Frances Anne Stephens, House, 60 Boonslick Road, Montgomery City vicinity (8/20/99)

Farmers Mercantile Co. Building, 872 Boone's Lick Road, High Hill (6/16/04)

Gloe, Heinrich, House, 358 Highway P, Rhineland vicinity (2/07/07)

Graham Cave (23MT2), 0.05 mile north of Mineola vicinity (10/15/66; NHL 1/20/61)

High Hill School, off U.S. 40, High Hill (11/14/80)

McKittrick Farmers Mercantile, 500 Washington St., McKittrick (6/07/10)

Mount Horeb Baptist Church, west of Mineola (9/27/80)

Pinnacle Lake Rock Shelter, address restricted (7/29/69)

Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows, SR P, Starkenburg (9/09/82)

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