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Platte County National Register Listings

Babcock Site, address restricted (11/15/73)

Benjamin Bannaker School, 31 W. Eighth St., Parkville (9/22/95)

Deister Archaeological Site, address restricted (1/21/70)

Krause, Frederick, Mansion, Third and Harrel Ferrel Drive, Platte City (5/22/78)

MacKay Building (MacKay Hall), Park College Campus, Parkville (4/06/79)

McCormick Distillery, MO JJ, Weston (4/16/74)

Missouri District Warehouse, 357 Main St., Weston (7/19/10)

Platte County Courthouse, Courthouse Square, Third and Main streets, Platte City (1/17/79)

Pleasant Ridge United Baptist Church, MO Route P, Weston vicinity (3/13/02)

Renner Village Archaeological Site, address restricted (4/16/69)

Scott, Charles Smith, Memorial Observatory, 8700 River Park Drive, Parkville (5/29/92)

Sugar Creek Site, address restricted (12/12/73)

TWA Administrative Offices Building, 11500 Ambassador Drive, Kansas City (11/06/07)

Waddell "A" Truss Bridge, English Landing Park over Rush Creek, Parkville (1/25/91)

Washington Chapel C.M.E. Church, 1137 West St., Parkville (8/31/92)

Weston Historic District (map), roughly bounded by Summit, Rock, Market and Ashley, Weston (8/21/72)

*Each bold-faced link in the list above leads to a word-searchable NATIONAL REGISTER NOMINATION for that resource; other links provide maps or additional context for the resource. The items may be downloaded (right-click) or viewed in your Web browser (double-click). File sizes range from 1 MB to several hundred MB, the time required for loading will depend on your connection speed. You may obtain a free copy of Adobe Reader software required to read the materials by visiting our Help page.