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Missouri State Park Designated Natural Areas

purple coneflowers amid the prairie grasses at Prairie State ParkMissouri has been blessed with an unusual diversity of native plants, animals and scenic areas. The state has some of the largest springs in North America and the second greatest number of caves in the United States. There are tallgrass prairies, deep rich forests, barren glades and numerous crystal clear streams. All these make for an unusually varied, beautiful and interesting natural history that has shaped Missouri's cultural history as well.

As you tour Missouri's state parks and historic sites, you will learn about our state's natural and cultural heritage. To ensure that special recognition and protection is afforded to some of the significant natural elements, certain areas have been designated as Missouri natural areas. Natural areas are managed and protected for their scientific, educational and historic values. They are formally recognized as the least disturbed and highest-quality biological and geological sites across the state. 

Natural Area Location Acreage
Babler Southwoods Hollow Dr. Edmund A. Babler Memorial State Park 17 acres
Bennett Spring Hanging Fen Bennett Spring State Park 5 acres
Big Oak Tree Big Oak Tree State Park 940 acres
Big Sugar Creek Cuivre River State Park 56 acres
Botkins Pine Woods Hawn State Park 30 acres
Chariton River Hills Long Branch State Park 429 acres
Coakley Hollow Fen Lake of the Ozarks State Park 1,776 acres
Coonville Creek St. Francois State Park 49 acres
Des Moines River Ravines Battle of Athens State Historic Site 40 acres
Elephant Rocks Elephant Rocks State Park 7 acres
Elk River Breaks Woodland Big Sugar Creek State Park 1,600 acres
George A. Hamilton Forest Cuivre River State Park 40 acres
Graham Cave Glades Graham Cave State Park 82 acres
Grand Gulf Grand Gulf State Park 60 acres
Ha Ha Tonka Karst Ha Ha Tonka State Park 70 acres
Ha Ha Tonka Oak Woodland Ha Ha Tonka State Park 2,995 acres
Johnson's Shut-Ins Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park 180 acres
Johnson's Shut-Ins Dolomite Glades Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park 18 acres
Johnson's Shut-Ins Fens Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park 8 acres
Labarque Creek Don Robinson State Park 1,966 acres
LaMotte Sandstone Barrens Hawn State Park 81 acres
Lincoln Hills Cuivre River State Park 1,872 acres
Locust Creek Pershing State Park 330 acres
Meramec Mosaic Meramec State Park 831 acres
Meramec Upland Forest Meramec State Park 461 acres
Montauk Upland Forest Montauk State Park 40 acres
Mudlick Mountain Sam A. Baker State Park 1,370 acres
Orchid Valley Hawn State Park 120 acres
Oumessourit (including Van Meter Forest) Annie and Abel Van Meter State Park 300 acres
Pickle Creek Hawn State Park 58 acres
Pin Oak Slough Knob Noster State Park 4 acres
Regal Tallgrass Prairie (East Drywood, Hunkah, Tzi-Sho) Prairie State Park 3,646 acres
Roaring River Cove Hardwoods Roaring River State Park 120 acres
St. Francois Mountains Taum Sauk Mountain State Park 7,028 acres
Stellata Natural Area St. Joe State Park 2,077 acres
Vancill Hollow Trail of Tears State Park 300 acres
Vilander Bluff Onondaga Cave State Park 206 acres
Washington State Park Hardwood Washington State Park 68 acres
TOTALS 38 Natural Areas 29,280 acres
L-A-D Foundation 1 Natural Area 60.00 acres
  Total 29,340 acres

Note: L-A-D Foundation owns Grand Gulf Natural Area; the Department of Natural Resources manages the site.