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at Lake of the Ozarks State Park

a boat pulling a skier on the lakeAccessible Symbolboat ramp symbolVault Toilet Symbol


You can launch your boat into Lake of the Ozarks at one of the three paved boat ramps: a four-lane ramp at each of the Grand Glaize Beach and Pa He Tsi locations and a two-lane ramp at Public Beach #1. Daily launch fees are $5 for vessels up to 30 feet in length and $10 for vessels over 30 feet in length. Annual launch permits are available. For vessels up to 30 feet, it is $72, and for vessels more than 30 feet, it is $80.

Campground users can launch free at any ramp with a current, valid camping permit. There are no motor restrictions. The boat launches at Grand Glaize Beach and Public Beach #1 are open year-round; the Pa He Tsi launch* is open March through October. *When lake levels drop below 658.5, this boat launch will be temporarily closed; please check the Park and Site Status Map before your visit.

You can also rent a boat or boat slip at one of two marinas in Lake of the Ozarks State Park, located at both public beaches. Contact the marina at 573-348-1233 or visit their website for boat slip and boat rental information. 

For information concerning boating rules, licensing and other water safety issues, click on the link to the Missouri State Water Patrol website.

There is also an aquatic trail.