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Accessibility Information

at Big Lake State Park

Accessible SymbolThis symbol indicates that the specified area is fully compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG).

Park Entrance

Just inside the park entrance is an accessible kiosk with park information. A level, paved pull-off area is provided.

Accessible SymbolPicnic Area

Two shady, individual picnic sites with extended-end tables and pedestal grills are accessed over a paved pathway from handicap parking. These sites have a great view of the lake and have an accessible water fountain.

Accessible SymbolOpen Shelter

A pathway leads from two handicap parking spaces to the picnic shelter, which accommodates up to 75 people and includes lights, extended-end tables, two group grills and a fireplace.

An accessible restroom is located within driving distance of the picnic sites, shelter and campground. It has two handicap parking spaces and a paved pathway to the entrance. Inside are lever-handled faucets, side-transfer toilets and an electric hand dryer. This is the only accessible toilet for the picnic area.


Two sewer/electric/water sites and one electric site each provide an extended-end table, a pedestal grill, a lantern shelf and a fire ring on a large, paved pad. Unmodified sites are of level, packed gravel with a table, a lantern post and a fire ring. Accessible water hydrants are conveniently located throughout the area.

Both showerhouses have handicap parking and are accessible. They offer easy entrance, lever-handled faucets and roll-in showers.

The dump station is mostly paved with a packed gravel area around the tower. Some users may have difficulty.

Accessible SymbolLodging

There are eight premium camper cabins available. Cabins 4 and 5 are accessible.

Accessible SymbolPark Office

The park office, located at the south end of the park, offers a handicap parking space adjacent to a continuous path to the entrance.

Accessible SymbolBoat Launch

At the north end of the park, past the cabins, is the new two-lane boat launch. It has two handicap parking spaces and a courtesy dock with an accessible transfer station. An accessible vault toilet is located just across the road.

For more information, contact the park:

Big Lake State Park
204 Lake Shore Drive
Craig, MO 64437
1-800-379-2419 TDD

Last updated: March 2025