
at Wakonda State Park

two boys fish from a dockSix lakes provide plenty of opportunities for you to cast your line for largemouth bass, walleye, crappie, bluegill and catfish. Agate, Jasper, Quartz and Wakonda lakes are the most popular among fisherman.

The daily limit for largemouth bass is six and the protected length limit is 12 to 15 inches. For catfish, all species combined, the daily limit is four. For crappie, the daily limit is 30. Walleye must be at least 15 inches long. For all other fish combined, the daily limit is 20, of these only 15 may be yellow or white bass, and only four in the aggregate may be sauger or walleye.

No trout lines, bank lines, limb lines or jug lines are allowed.

Visit the park office for more detailed information regarding fishing regulations.