1/1/2019 | Bennett Spring State Park | Lebanon, MO
This hike has been canceled.
Come enjoy the first day of the year by joining park staff for a hike to the natural tunnel. The natural tunnel is a 296-foot-long tunnel forming an S through a hill. Formed from Gasconade dolomite, the tunnel contains a large gravel creek bed. The trail has been used by people living in the area from the 1840s to the present. Several bluffs have interesting features, tiny caves and overhangs that early Native Americans and settler's used for shelter. Deer, squirrels, chipmunks, birds and other wildlife call this park home.
This hike is estimated at 7.5 miles. This trail consists of natural surfaces including dirt, mud, gravel, shifting rocks, slippery surfaces, rocks, roots and/or down vegetation on the trail. There are step grades/inclines over 10% and water/stream crossings without bridges. Wear shoes that fit well, dress appropriately for the weather, and bring a snack and water.
Hike time: 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Meeting Location: Natural Tunnel Trail Trailhead
First Day Hikes are promoted by America’s State Parks. For more information about hikes in Missouri State Parks, click here.
Associated activities
- Hiking