6/5/2013 | Missouri State Museum | Jefferson City, MO
Deb Swanegan, who earned the title of master storyteller through the University of Missouri’s Traditional Arts and Apprentice Program, will be the first person to appear in Missouri State Museum’s summer program series, “Telling Missouri’s Stories.” Swanegan will perform “A Good Tale, or Two.” Swanegan says she “weaves tapestries of tales designed through storytelling.” Storytelling has always been a part of her life. She grew up in a close knit family where many of her values and “cornerstones” were passed to her in stories. She always ends a story with “I tell you this story because….. “ Children and adults always listen and take her stories to heart. Swanegan’s program will be held in the museum classroom, which is located in the History Hall in the east wing of the state Capitol.
This program series is part of the ongoing “Museum after Hours” events when the museum stays open until 9 p.m. the first Wednesday of the month. On July 10, Marideth Sisco will perform “These Ozark Hills.” (The July program is on the second Wednesday due to the Fourth of July holiday events on the Capitol grounds.) Paul Fotsch will present “Missouri History in Song” on Aug. 7. The “Telling Missouri’s Stories” summer will also include storytelling-focused programs for the museum’s “Tuesdays@2” series, which begins June 4 with "The Spider Who Changed a Tribe: and other native American stories.”