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Boone's Lick Folk Festival

9/5/2011 | Boone's Lick State Historic Site | Boonesboro, MO

A variety of historic crafters will demonstrate 19th century crafts to educate the public on the life and times of settlers in the Boonslick area. There will be musicians playing music of the period and tours around the salt springs to explain the importance of salt mining in the early area economy. Nathan and Daniel Morgan Boone, sons of famed frontiersman Daniel Boone, began manufacturing salt here in 1805. In pioneer times, salt was indispensable for preserving meat and tanning animal hides.

This event is co-sponsored by the Boonslick Area Tourism Council. For more information, contact Connie Shay at 660-248-2011 or Arrow Rock State Historic Site at 660-837-3330.

Click here to read the news release.

Event time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Highway 187, Boonesboro, MO | 660-837-3330