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2024 All-Staff Conference

Jan. 30-Feb. 1, 2024


Lodge of the Four Seasons
315 Four Seasons Drive
Lake Ozark, MO 65049

Click here for a map of the lodge.


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Agenda subject to change.

Click here to view the printable PDF.

Tue, Jan 30, 2024 Session  Location

1-1:50 p.m.


Welcome to the opening session of the 2024 All-Staff Conference! Hear from directors Dru Buntin and David Kelly as they salute the Missouri State Parks team and provide their respective visions for the future of the department and the division. Moderator Clint Barnett will also deliver an overview of conference session topics, SPEA activities and other housekeeping information. 

We’ll also hear updates from team members on the following:


2-3 p.m.

Waysides and Signage: Measure Twice, Print Once

Description: This hands-on session will provide tips, tricks and how-tos for wayside and kiosk panel installation and care. Practice taking the measurements that are necessary for design and fabrication, and try your hand at installing wayside panels. 

  • Jennifer Bunselmeyer, visual projects manager, Visitor Services Program 
  • Craig Ferguson, senior maintenance worker, Missouri State Museum
Valencia A
2-3 p.m.

Where to Start in the Face of Pervasive Invasives

Description: All of our state parks are subject to varying degrees of impact from invasive species. This discussion serves as a guide for staff new to invasive species management in parks. Topics will include how to triage project sites, how to get the best results for your time, and how to identify the most common offenders in the world of invasive species.

  • Ron Colatskie, natural resource ecologist, Natural Resource Management Program
Valencia B
2-3 p.m.

Experience the Excitement: Hands-On Demonstrations of Practical (or Not-So-Practical) Skills

Description: Looking to learn some new skills to use with your job or just for fun? There will be something for everyone in this hands-on session. If you like a more casual and active learning experience, this session is for you! Spend as much time as you want at each table as you try your hand at the offered skills.

  • Origami with Michele Lawrence, Mark Twain State Park and Mark Twain Birthplace State Historic Site
  • Needle Felting with Alison Dubbert; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
  • Changing Electrical Outlets with Gralyn Kennon, East Construction Unit
  • Use and Care of Cast-Iron Cookware with Anna Persell, Crowder State Park
  • Artifact Condition Reporting with Amanda van Woert, Cultural Resource Management Program
2-3 p.m.

Conversations with the Ranger Program

Description: Hear from the command staff with the Ranger Program about staffing updates, ongoing initiatives and future goals.

  • Josh Campbell, colonel, Ranger Program
2-hour session from
2-4:15 p.m.
with the break

Tactical Communications: Diffusing Conflict with Conversation

Description: Handling highly charged encounters with the public can be really challenging. Join Sergeant Armstrong as he provides techniques for engaging with people in emotional/conflict situations, and describes how to lower the temperature and go from combative to calm.

  • Sgt. Andrew A. Armstrong, instructor, Missouri Highway Patrol
HK's Club Room
2-3 p.m.

Program Open House

Description: Curious about what the various programs do in Central Office? Confused about who does what and who to call when you need assistance? Come to the Program Open House and stroll from table to table where representatives from the various programs will be on hand to answer questions and provide information about the support services their respective program provides. 

Marbella A
3-3:15 p.m. Break Atrium
3:15-4:15 p.m. 

Understanding Clearances

Description: There are plenty of hoops to jump through before starting certain construction or maintenance projects. In this session, we'll talk about four pre-project clearances – Cultural Resource Clearance, Environmental Clearance (ECR), Natural Resource Clearance, and Real Estate/LWCF Stewardship Requirements – to learn about when they are required, how they are reviewed, and why they are necessary.

  • Dawn Scott, director; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
  • Lindsey Latham, grants management section chief; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
  • Patricia Stafford, environmental specialist, Safety and Wellness Program
  • Kim Dillon, section chief, Cultural Resource Management Program 
  • Ken McCarty, director, Natural Resource Management Program
Valencia B
3:15-4:15 p.m.

Building Weather-Ready State Parks

Description: The National Weather Service is working with Missouri State parks to continue building weather-ready parks. The NWS shares weather safety and preparedness information in addition to weather hazard products and services. The most recent emphasis has been on vulnerable populations with regards to outdoor recreation. The NWS focuses on identifying the vulnerabilities of those outdoors and how to mitigate potential impacts.

  • Kyle Perez, senior/lead meteorologist, National Weather Service, Springfield, Mo. 
  • Steve Runnels, warning coordination meteorologist, National Weather Service, Springfield, Mo. 
3:15-4:15 p.m.

Small Engine Maintenance/Repair

Description: Small engines help run our parks and historic sites! Keep your engines running with these how-tos for repair and maintenance.

Marbella A
2-hour session from
2-4:15 p.m.

Tactical Communications: Diffusing Conflict with Conversation

Handling highly charged encounters with the public can be really challenging. Join Sergeant Armstrong as he provides techniques for engaging with people in emotional/conflict situations, and describes how to lower the temperature and go from combative to calm.

  • Sgt. Andrew A. Armstrong, instructor, Missouri Highway Patrol
HK's Club Room
3:15-4:15 p.m.

Talking About Sensitive Topics in the 21st Century

Description: Whether it is in conversation with a visitor, creating a new exhibit, or updating an interpretive program, we all have subjects that we find difficult to talk about. Nick Sacco from Ulysses S Grant National Historic Site will share how his site is tackling those difficult topics. Learn about person-first language and gain confidence in navigating sensitive topics.

  • Nick Sacco, superintendent, Ulysses S Grant National Historic Site, National Park Service
Valencia A
3:15-4:15 p.m.

Unraveling the Mystery of the Reportal and MSP Toolbox

Description: Learn how to use the reportal to make budget tracking and coding easy. This session will also review the many features available in the MSP Toolbox and will share tips and tricks for using this information to help make your work easier. 

  • Kenda Sanders, director, Business Services Program
4:30-5 p.m.

Director's Corner

The team from the Director’s Office will be in the cyber café area of the atrium. Feel free to stop by and have a chat.

Cyber Café
6-7 p.m. Dinner Granada
7-9 p.m.

SPEA Activities

Join in the fun and help raise funds for the State Park Employees Association by participating in a cornhole tournament, a poker game, bingo or trivia.

Wed, Jan 31, 2024 Session Location
7-8 a.m. Breakfast Granada
8-8:50 a.m.

General Session: A History of Missouri State Parks

9-10 a.m.

Experience the Excitement: Hands-On Demonstrations of Practical (or Not-So-Practical) Skills

Description: Looking to learn some new skills to use with your job or just for fun? There will be something for everyone in this hands-on session. If you like a more casual and active learning experience, this session is for you! Spend as much time as you want at each table as you try your hand at the offered skills.

9-10 a.m.

Grants Are Great, But …

Description: Grants are a great funding source for new programs and projects, but the application and administration processes can be confusing or frustrating, sometimes leaving the applicant feeling as if it wasn’t worth the effort. This session aims to take some of that confusion and frustration away by discussing things to consider before pursuing a grant opportunity, providing an explanation of the internal application process, discussing various sources for funding match, highlighting important reminders that are a part of administering a grant award, and answering any grant-related questions.

  • Lindsey Latham, grants management section chief; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
  • Dawn Scott, director; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
Valencia A
9-10 a.m.

How Can You Help Leave a Legacy?

Description: Have you worked for State Parks for 15, 20 or 30 years, or more? Join your seasoned colleges in a roundtable discussion about succession planning and leaving legacies. Bring your thoughts on how we can best pass on institutional knowledge and develop the next generation of leadership in parks.

  • Carl Bonnell, deputy regional director, Ozarks Region
  • Maria Potter, deputy regional director, Eastern Region
HK's Club Room
9-10 a.m.

Stop Wasting Your Team's Time

Description: Have you ever attended a meeting and thought, "This could have been an email"? A little planning can ensure that your meeting accomplishes the goal without wasting valuable time. Learn the basics of effective meeting planning and facilitation so that your next meeting can be more meaningful and productive.

  • Melanie Robinson-Smith, deputy regional director, Northern Region
  • Rebecca Young, recreation section chief; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
Valencia B
9-10 a.m. Training for the Ranger Program Seville
9-10 a.m.

State Parks 101: The 3 P’s of Parks – Planning, Policy and Procedure

Description: Join Ryan Dunwoody and Amanda McKay as they team up to profile division plans and the importance of planning, policies and procedures. Have you ever wondered about the purpose of CDPs? Or maybe how we create and update policies and why? Come and learn how to have your voice heard through the process of planning and policy making. 

  • Ryan Dunwoody, planning section manager, Planning and Development Program
  • Amanda McKay, policy coordinator, Safety and Wellness Program
Marbella A
10-10:15 a.m. Break Atrium
10:15-11:15 a.m.

Natural Resources Policy Updates

Description: Join the Natural Resource Management Program team to learn more about the recent policy updates and how they will affect prescribed fire, legacy landscapes, natural areas and our overall approach to natural resources in state parks and historic sites.

  • Ken McCarty, director, Natural Resource Management Program
Valencia A
10:15-11:15 a.m.

Adaptive Recreation and Inclusive Programming

Description: What do social narratives, track chairs, autism-friendly business certification, and tours and programs with American Sign Language interpretation all have in common? They are all strategies that Missouri State Parks has used to provide more inclusive programming and recreational opportunities for all visitors. This session features a series of case studies that provide insights into these initiatives, and a discussion on how you can join in the effort to create more inclusive and adaptive programming and recreational opportunities.

Marbella A
10:15-11:15 a.m.

Social Media and Event Promotion

Description: Learn tips and tricks for promoting your special events on social media, including how to take great photos that tell your “why.” We will also walk through the special events form and answer questions about special event planning.

  • Tisha Holden, division information officer, Director's Office
  • Michelle Jensen, graphics project manager, Visitor Services Program
  • Ben Nickelson, art director, DNR Office of Communications
  • Adam Knaebel, graphic designer, DNR Office of Communications
HK's Club Room
10:15-11:15 a.m.

988 and Mental Health Resources

Description: What is 988? Why do we put the 988 signs out in our parks and sites? What other behavioral health resources are out there? A presenter from the Missouri Behavioral Health Council will explain where, why and how to get people connected to behavioral health resources through the state. Have you ever had someone in your workplace or in your personal life who was going through a behavioral health challenge but you didn’t know what to do to help? Join an MBHC crisis services manager for a look into how we can help those in need.

  • Jason Romont, MO Behavioral Health Council
Valencia B
10:15-11:15 a.m. Training for the Ranger Program Seville
10:15-11:15 a.m.

State Parks 101: Staffing

Description: "Hiring the Best" – Do you need some tips, tricks, and do's and don'ts when it comes to hiring full-time and seasonal team members? Join us to learn all about recruiting, filling vacancies, interviewing, candidate selection, onboarding and more. 

  • Lauren Bax, human resources coordinator, Business Services Program
  • Mandy DeWitt, administrative specialist, Northern Region Office
  • Amy Richards, talent acquisitions specialist, DNR Human Resources
11:15 a.m. to noon

Presentations by Supporting Organizations

  • Missouri Parks Association: Kendra Varns-Wallis, executive director
  • Missouri State Parks Foundation: Tyler Rieke, executive director
  • Conservation Federation of Missouri: Michelle Gabelsberger, membership manager
Noon to 1 p.m. Lunch Granada
1-2 p.m.

General Session: Osage Nation – Culture and Connection

Description: Join Congressman John Maker, member of the 3rd Osage Congress, as he reveals the rich heritage and traditions of the Osage, and touches upon the cultural and spiritual connection to ancestral lands in Missouri.

  • Congressman John F. Maker, Osage Nation
2-2:15 p.m. Break Atrium
2:15-3:15 p.m. Eastern Region Meeting Granada
2:15-3:15 p.m. Northern Region Meeting Marbella A
2:15-3:15 p.m. Ozark Region Meeting HK's Club Room
2:15-3:15 p.m. Central Office Meeting Seachase
2:15-3:15 p.m. Ranger Program Meeting Seville
3:15-5:15 p.m.

Vendor Booths

  • Business Services Program

  • Conservation Federation of Missouri

  • Deferred Compensation

  • Director's Advisory Council on Interpretation

  • DNR HR and Recruiting

  • DNR Office of Communications

  • Girl Scouts of America

  • Missouri Department of Agriculture – Missouri Grown and Forest Pest

  • Missouri Environmental Education Association (MEEA)

  • Missouri Humanities Council

  • Missouri Parks Association

  • Missouri Secretary of State – State Library

  • Missouri State Museum

  • Missouri State Parks Foundation

  • Missouri Vocational Enterprises (MVE)

  • MO Virtual Heritage 360


  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

  • Northern Region

  • Ozark Region

  • Safety and Wellness

  • Track Chairs

  • Visitor Services Program

Atrium/Granada Hall
3:30-4:30 p.m. Director's Corner Cyber Café
5:30-6:30 p.m. Dinner Granada
6:30-7:30 p.m.

Keynote Speaker: Rodney Franklin, director of Texas State Parks

7:30-8 p.m. Awards Granada
Thu, Feb 1, 2024 Session Location
7-8 a.m. Breakfast Granada
7-7:45 a.m. Donuts with the Director's Office Cyber Café
8-9 a.m.

General Session: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About the Budget Process

Description: Walk through the budget cycle with Kenda as she breaks down the process, from beginning to end, of creation, approval and allocation of budget dollars.

  • Kenda Sanders, director, Business Services Program
9-10 a.m.

You Are Not Alone – Navigating Historic Site Management in Missouri State Parks

Description: What does it take to run a historic site, and what makes historic sites successful in 2024? Join experienced historic site managers and regional and Central Office staff for a discussion exploring success stories, ways to keep your interpretation relevant and fresh, and common threads that connect us all. Find inspiration in hearing about new ideas and initiatives, and find out where you can go for help. This session will send you off energized and ready to find success in 2024.

9-10 a.m.

Maintenance Panel

Description: Share maintenance tips, tricks and secrets with team members from across the state in casual discussion format. Bring your questions and thoughts about all manner of maintenance topics. Someone will have the answers to your questions, and someone else could utilize your knowledge and experience.

  • Darrin Brown, assistant superintendent, Knob Noster State Park
  • Chad Hovis, construction project supervisor, East Construction Unit
  • Dewayne Bostick, assistant superintendent, Meramec State Park
  • Carl Gisselbeck, construction project assistant, South Construction Unit
  • Bryan Peterson, senior maintenance worker, Pomme de Terre State Park
  • Dustin Webb, regional director, Northern Region, or Clint Barnett, project manager, Planning and Development Program
HK's Club Room
9-10 a.m.

Experienced Park Managers Panel Discussion

Description: This Q&A session will give you an opportunity to visit with experienced park managers about the challenges of operating a park or site.

  • Laura Hendrickson, deputy director – operations, Director's Office
Marbella A
9-10 a.m.

Women in Leadership, Past and Present

Description: Working as an outdoor leader in a profession that has historically been male-dominated presents unique challenges and learning opportunities for women. Hear from a panel of six women who have been or are currently in leadership roles within Missouri State Parks, and hear what challenges they have overcome and what lessons they have learned.

  • Jane Lale, first female director of the Operations Program
  • Nonie McClammer, first female deputy division director for Missouri State Parks
  • Deb Schnack, first female park superintendent and program director for Planning and Development (virtually)
  • Krista Kennon, deputy regional director for the Eastern Region
  • Tiffany Patterson, director of the Missouri State Museum
  • Shanea Frederick, superintendent of Weston Bend State Park
  • Rebecca Young, recreation section chief; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
Valencia A
9-10 a.m.

Natural Resource Panel

Description: Join the experts to explore the meaning and methods underlying our mission's focus on outstanding natural landscapes. We'll discuss prescribed fire issues and applications, and the history of, and investments in, our park system's wild areas.

  • Ken McCarty, director, Natural Resource Management Program
  • Ron Colatskie, natural resource ecologist, Natural Resource Management Program
  • Chris Crabtree, natural resource ecologist, Natural Resource Management Program
Valencia B
10-10:15 a.m. Break Atrium
10:15-11:15 a.m.

State Parks 101: Safety and Wellness Reporting

Description: Do you know how to report a loss notice? How about workers' compensation reporting? What if you or another team member are in a vehicle crash? Come hear from our Safety and Wellness team on these important processes! 

  • Fred Hicks, director, Safety and Wellness Program
  • Dustin Young, risk management inspector, Safety and Wellness Program
HK's Club Room
10:15-11:15 a.m.

Project Management 101

Description: Missouri State Parks has a vast number of projects happening all across the state. Attendees will gain valuable knowledge on what the project management process looks like; the definitions of terms; and the roles played by park managers, Planning and Development team members, consultants and OA staff. 

  • Terry Bruns, director, Planning and Development Program
10:15-11:15 a.m.

We Stalk Dead People: Finding and Using Primary Sources to Learn More About the History of Your Facility

Description: Hear from colleagues about how they used a variety of primary sources to learn about the people who shaped the history of their facilities before they were parks or historic sites. Learn about the resources they used, how they accessed them, what they learned, and how their research has impacted their facilities.

  • Victoria Cosner, outreach and engagement section chief; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
Valencia A
10:15-11:15 a.m.

We Need to Talk: How to Have Tough Conversations

Description: We all dread having difficult or uncomfortable conversations. We often do our best to avoid them completely, because difficult conversations can lead to strong emotional reactions like anger, resentment and defensiveness. However, it’s sometimes necessary to have awkward conversations, regardless of whether it’s with direct reports, teammates or a supervisor. This session will provide tips for conquering avoidance and providing meaningful feedback in a positive and productive manner.

  • Lindsey Latham, grants management section chief; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
  • Alison Dubbert, chief resource interpreter; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
Valencia B
10:15-11:15 a.m.

Maintenance Roundtable

Description: Do you have some pro tips that you can share with the group about beaches, water systems and wastewater systems? Or, do you need some advice in these areas? Join fellow team members to share your best practices regarding these topics, or listen to the tips and tricks provided by others.

  • Patricia Stafford, environmental specialist, Safety and Wellness Program
Marbella A
11:15-11:30 a.m. Break Atrium
11:30 a.m. to noon

General Session: What’s on the Horizon for Missouri State Parks?

Description: Join us for the closing session as we look to the year ahead and begin preparing for upcoming initiatives, including the Missouri State Parks Strategic Plan; programs such as the 2024 solar eclipse and the 100th anniversary celebrations at Bennett Spring State Park, Mark Twain State Park and Mark Twain Birthplace State Historic Site; and events further down the road, like the renewal of the Parks, Soils and Water Sales Tax and the 250th anniversary of our nation's birth in 2026.

  • Strategic Plan – Ryan Dunwoody, planning section manager, Planning and Development Program
  • 2024 Solar Eclipse – Michelle Jensen, graphics project manager, Visitor Services Program, and Jessica Apel, RS2 operations and field support unit chief, Business Services Program
  • 100th Anniversary of Mark Twain State Park and Mark Twain Birthplace State Historic Site – Rachel Hoemann, park/site superintendent
  • 100th Anniversary of Bennett Spring State Park – Hayley Schnaath, park specialist
  • Parks, Soils and Water Sales Tax renewal – David Kelly, director, Missouri State Parks
  • 250th Anniversary of USA – Dawn Scott, director; Grants, Recreation and Interpretation Program
  • 100th Anniversary of Route 66 – Ed Schott, superintendent, Route 66 State Park
  • MOVERS update – Larry Hirsch, fiscal management section chief, Business Services Program