Day 2 Featured Riders

at Katy Trail State Park

Name: Sarah Major
Age: 37
Hometown: Kansas City, Mo.
Third Katy Ride

Name: Karen Frahm
Age: 51
Hometown: Lansing, Kan.
Third Katy Ride

How did you two get interested in participating in this year’s Katy Ride?
Karen: Well, this is our third year doing the trail and on last year’s ride, we met each other and started riding together around Kansas City.

What do you like most about the Katy Ride?
Sarah: We really like the camaraderie of all the riders, the state park people, and everyone involved. The limited size of the group really allows you to get to know everybody and the chance to make new friends.

Karen: It’s just a great way to meet people. When you set up camp after a day of riding, you always seem to get to know who you are camping beside.

Is everything going the way you expect it?
Sarah: The weather last night was a little crazy but nothing compared to last year’s flood in Mokane.

What are you looking forward to during the rest of the trip?
Karen: More of the same really, riding well, meeting people and decent weather. I’m looking forward to visiting Rocheport again. It’s always really nice.

What has excited you the most after two days on the trail?
Sarah: Today we stopped for a little bit in Mokane and the people were just great.

Karen: That’s one of the most fun things about the trail, how the people in the small towns welcome us with open arms. Every town along the trail has treated us so well and gives us so much support.

Is there anything you would tell people thinking about riding next year’s Katy Trail Ride?
Sarah: To expect any condition possible. The weather in Missouri is so unpredictable you have to be very flexible.

Karen: The trail ride is possible for even the beginning rider, but they just have to come prepared and have a good attitude.