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Let's Make Some Bread and Butters

12/10/2022 | Current River State Park | Salem, MO

This class has been rescheduled from Nov. 5-6 to Dec. 10.

Fall is for prepping and putting food up for the winter months. So let’s make some acorn and cattail flour breads along with some pawpaw bread! What better way to eat bread than with BUTTER – apple butter and pawpaw butter, that is.

In this class, you will learn about making flour out of nuts and cattails and then bake some bread with that flour. We have the pawpaws already picked and frozen; now, you get to make some butters and bread out of them! There might even be some persimmons that you can use. And then let’s not forget about good ole' apple butter!

We will have snacks and drinks, but you will need to bring your lunch, as well as a jump drive for the PowerPoint and something to take notes with.

Space for this program is limited, and registration is required. To register, contact Connie at 573-751-1224 or Registration closes Dec. 1. You must be 16 or older to attend. 

Class Times: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
11053 County Road 19D, Salem, MO | 573-751-5211

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  • Interpretive Programs