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Clark's Hill Hike

4/23/2022 | Clark's Hill/Norton State Historic Site | Osage City, MO

An informational meeting about the management of this historic site will be held at the trailhead from 1-1:30 p.m. Following the meeting, join volunteer caretaker Linda Vogt for a guided hike on the 0.5-mile trail to the historic site's scenic overlook, and learn about restoration efforts. For three years, volunteers have been active in removing invasive plants such as bush honeysuckle, which had overrun the area. Learn how to identify both native and invasive plants along the trail and about hand removal and chemical methods of controlling invasive plants. Enjoy the beauty of spring wildflowers in bloom. 

Meet at the trailhead at Clark's Hill/Norton State Historic Site. For more information about this event, call 573-449-7400.

Click here to read the news release.

Hike Time: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Osage Hickory Street, Osage City, MO | 573-449-7402

Associated activities

  • Hiking