Buddy Hike

11/17/2019 | Robertsville State Park | Robertsville, MO

Calling all hikers and their four-legged friends! Join a park naturalist to celebrate National Take a Hike Day with your pup on Spicebush Trail. Enjoy the crisp autumn air and falling leaves while you listen for the calls of the wild. All are welcome to join, with or without a furry friend. The hike will be 0.8 mile long, and we will meet at Spicebush Trailhead parking lot. You are encouraged to dress for the weather.


Please make sure your dog is friendly with other humans and canines. Dogs must be leashed at all times, and their waste must by picked up by their owner. Click here to see all pet rules.


Hike Time: 1:30 p.m.
902 State Park Drive, Robertsville, MO | 636-257-3788

Associated activities

  • Hiking