Tram Rides for the Eighth Annual Treloar Elevator Party

10/13/2019 | Katy Trail State Park

Join Missouri State Parks and Magnificent Missouri for the eighth annual Treloar Elevator Party with tram rides between the Treloar Trailhead and the Peers Store. Enjoy a naturalist’s interpretation of the Missouri River Valley, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and the historic Missouri-KT Railroad.

The event is being hosted with an informational meeting and opportunities to provide comments on Katy Trail management objectives. Meet park staff and friends of the Katy Trail at the Treloar Trailhead and join in with the festivities sponsored by Magnificent Missouri: live music, tours of Treloar Mercantile, and tasty brats grilled by the Marthasville Volunteer Fire Department. Tram rides are free to the public. 

Click here to read the news release.

Event Time: Noon - 4 p.m.
Event Location: Treloar Trailhead

Associated activities

  • Interpretive Programs