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Accessibility Information

at Katy Trail State Park

Accessible SymbolThis symbol indicates that the specified area is fully compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG).

Accessible Symbol


Visitors of all abilities can enjoy birding along the Katy Trail. The trail has manageable surfaces, trail information and signage, rest areas, and other many ADA considerations.

To find additional locations that are accessible, visit Birdability to view their accessible birding trails maps.

A synopsis of accessibility by trailhead going from St. Charles in the east, to Clinton in the west is below. Slopes between trailheads are minimal unless specifically mentioned. Benches are provided along the trail for resting. Some private road crossings are rough or uneven.

Accessible SymbolSt. Charles-Blanchett Landing 

The Missouri Department of Conservation’s Blanchett Landing on Olive Street offers mostly level paved parking with easy access to the trail. 

Accessible SymbolFrontier Park Trailhead

Located in St. Charles just 1.5 miles west of Blanchett Landing, this trailhead offers level, paved parking with access at the western end of the lot. Some discrepancies in height, about 1-inch, between the asphalt and the packed fines may be encountered. A 4.5% slope is located at the 41.8 point. 

Greens Bottom Road Trailhead

Parking is level gravel of mixed sizes and the trail begins with approximately 36 feet of 3% cross-slope. The vault toilet is accessed by a gravel path with a 5% slope. 

Mile Marker 55

A river levee at the 55-mile marker has a 6% slope.

Accessible SymbolWeldon Spring Trailhead 

This area has a level gravel parking lot with two handicap parking spaces near the trail access. The vault toilet is located adjacent to the trail and is accessible. Shady benches are situated on natural turf. 

Mile Marker 61

An asphalt road crossing causes a 3% cross-slope in the trail.

Defiance Access

This access offers level gravel parking with very easy entry onto the trail. Accessible restrooms are not available at this location.

Accessible SymbolMatson Trailhead

This trailhead offers an information depot and level gravel parking with one concrete handicap space near the accessible vault toilet.

Highway 94 is a major road crossing that has a 4% slope. 

Augusta Trailhead

This trailhead offers an information depot and level gravel parking with one concrete handicap space near the accessible vault toilet.

Accessible SymbolDutzow Trailhead 

This trailhead offers an information depot and level gravel parking with two concrete handicap spaces across from the accessible flushable restroom, which is available during the on-season. During the winter, accessible port-a-potties are provided. There is also an accessible water fountain near the restroom and shade.

Accessible SymbolMarthasville Trailhead

This trailhead offers an information depot and level, gravel parking with one concrete handicap space near the accessible flushable restroom. The restroom is closed during the winter, but accessible port-a-potties are provided during this season. In addition, visitors have access to the restored Marthasville Depot, which sets nearby.

Treloar Trailhead

This area has shady, level gravel parking with an accessible vault toilet. This trailhead also has an information depot and one concrete handicap parking space.

Accessible SymbolMcKittrick Trailhead

This trailhead offers an information depot and level gravel parking with one concrete handicap space. Just across the trail is an accessible vault toilet.

Accessible SymbolPortland Trailhead

Here you’ll find a concrete parking pad and an accessible vault toilet. The parking lot is gravel and is level. This area is close to the river.

Accessible SymbolMokane Trailhead

Parking is level with one paved handicap parking space adjacent to the trail. An accessible vault toilet is provided for your convenience.

Tebbetts Trailhead 

This large level lot has one paved handicap parking space; however, a short 6% slope accesses the trail and the vault toilet has a 2-inch-high threshold.

Accessible SymbolNorth Jefferson Trailhead 

A paved parking space is located adjacent to the concrete pathway leading past the information depot to a water fountain and accessible restroom, which is available during the on-season. During the winter, accessible port-a-potties are provided. The trail runs next to the structures.

Accessible SymbolHartsburg Trailhead 

A level gravel parking lot provides one paved handicap parking space and one unpaved spot. The concrete path has a 5% slope and leads past the information depot and a water fountain to the accessible restroom. The trail runs alongside with easy access.

Mile Marker 155.8

A levee with a 6.6% slope is encountered.

Accessible SymbolMcBaine Trailhead

Two paved, handicap parking spaces share a concrete pathway past accessible vault toilets, a water fountain and an information depot to the trail.

Accessible SymbolRocheport Trailhead

Here you’ll find a paved, level parking lot with two handicap spaces. Concrete paths lead to the accessible restroom, water fountain and information depot.

Mile Marker 181.5 and Mile Marker 186.7

Two levees have excessive slopes between 8.3% and 9%. There are several smaller levees between the tunnel and New Franklin as well, but slopes are less than 3%.

Accessible SymbolNew Franklin Trailhead 

One handicap parking space is paved adjacent to the accessible restroom. A water fountain and information depot are also accessible.

Kingsbury Siding Access

Level gravel parking is available with a paved pathway leading to an interpretive panel. There is no designated accessible parking spot. This site is mostly sunny.

Boonville Bridge

A bike path is provided for crossing the bridge. Slopes do not exceed 5% on the south side; however, a much steeper slope is found on the north side.

Accessible SymbolBoonville Trailhead

This gravel parking lot is level and has two paved, handicap parking spaces. An adjacent paved pathway connects the water fountain, information depot and accessible restroom, which is available during the on-season. 

Accessible SymbolPilot Grove Trailhead

Parking is level and paved with a handicap parking space. A paved path connects to the information depot and the accessible restroom. Fresh water is not accessible at this location. An accessible water fountain is available at this location now.

Accessible SymbolClifton City Trailhead 

One paved parking space is adjacent to a concrete path leading to the accessible vault toilet. An information depot is located alongside the trail.

Accessible SymbolSedalia Trailhead

When you reach Boonville Road, the trail continues west by following signs through the city streets until you come to the Sedalia Depot. From road crossing to road crossing, paved swales allow smooth transitions as you travel through the city. An information depot and an accessible restroom, which is available during the on-season, are located trailside. During the winter, accessible port-a-potties are provided. The trail of packed fines continues on, from this point, going west.

Accessible SymbolKaty Depot at Sedalia

The historic Katy Depot provides two paved, handicap parking spaces and a paved pathway to the front entrance. Wide doors open on a spacious interior filled with mementos and information. An accessible water fountain is located near restrooms, which provide side-transfer toilets and accessible lavatories. The museum area has hands-on and glassed-in exhibits with plenty of maneuvering room.

Accessible SymbolGreen Ridge Trailhead

Here you’ll find an information depot with one paved parking space nearby. Otherwise, parking is 1-inch gravel for vehicles and horse trailers. Just across the trail is an accessible restroom with fresh water available.

Accessible SymbolWindsor Trailhead

Three paved parking spaces are provided adjacent to the accessible restroom, which is available during the on-season. Fresh water is available at this location. During the winter, accessible port-a-potties are provided. The parking lot has loose 1-inch gravel with horse trailer parking.

Accessible SymbolCalhoun Trailhead

One paved parking space is located adjacent to the information depot and accessible restroom. Fresh water is also available. Parking for horse trailers is of loose 1-inch gravel. The trail starts near the information depot and initially has a 6% slope before tapering to level at the base of the hill. This trail is made of tight gravel.

Accessible SymbolClinton Trailhead

At our currently westernmost point in the trail, you’ll find level, gravel parking with two paved, handicap spaces adjacent to the accessible restroom, which is available during the on-season. Fresh water and an information depot are also available. During the winter, accessible port-a-potties are provided.

For more information, contact the park:

Katy Trail State Park
5901 S. Highway 163
Columbia, MO 65203
1-800-379-2419 TDD

Last updated: November 2024