6/8/2019 | Annie and Abel Van Meter State Park | Miami, MO
Missouri has historically been known for its beautiful and rich prairie landscapes, but much has been lost due to agriculture and livestock grazing. Come to the park for a guided hike through the restored prairie to learn about some of the flowers that once grew natively around the state. You will also be taught the biological importance of preserving tallgrass prairies. Meet for the event in the visitor center parking lot to be shuttled to the prairie restoration area.
Please dress appropriately for the strenuous activity and be sure to bring hats, water, bug spray and sunscreen.
This event is free and open to the public. Trail terrain will be very rough and the tall grasses will be difficult to walk through.
Hike time: 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.
This event is being held in conjunction with the National Recreation and Park Association's Family Health and Fitness Day initiative. For more information and a complete list of events being held in Missouri state parks and historic sites, click here.
Associated activities
- Hiking