- 7 p.m. - Have Smor' Family Fun - Campground Amphitheater
Enjoy s'mores with dad, grandad and the whole family at the campground amphitheater! Approximately one hour.
- 2 p.m. - Petroglyph and Glade Tour - Petroglyph Site
Discover the ancient secrets of the park petroglyphs and the habitat of the adjoining glade. Washington State Park interpretive staff will lead this guided tour for all ages. Approximately one hour.
- 4 p.m. - Kite Flying – Thunderbird Lodge
Join park interpretive staff for kite flying fun with the whole family. Kites provided for the first 20 participants. Approximately one hour.
- 7 p.m. – Nature Mythbusters – Campground Amphitheater
What do you know about nature myths? Join Washington State Park interpretive staff to learn which nature myths are true – and which ones are busted. Approximately one hour.
- 9 a.m. - Nature Hour – Campground Amphitheater
Washington State Park staff will lead an activity filled nature hour at the campground amphitheater. Approximately one hour.
13041 State Highway 104, De Soto, MO | 636-586-5768