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Party at the Park

7/4/2013 | Long Branch State Park | Macon, MO

Enjoy activities at the North Shelter prior to the fireworks display. A brief welcome and introduction to the park will occur followed by a sandcastle building contest, three-legged race, water balloon toss and bubble gum blowing contest.

Lastly, kids ages 4 to 7 are invited to participate in a Little Mr. and Miss Long Branch pageant. Participants for the pageant should wear patriotic attire, and be prepared to answer one of two questions: 1.Who is your hero? 2. What is your favorite thing about the Fourth of July? Contestants need to sign up by 6 p.m. in the Long Branch Marina Store on July 4. Contestants should arrive at the North Shelter by 6:45 p.m. Ribbons will be awarded.

Concessions will be available through the Marina Store throughout the event. Click here to read the news release.

Party at the Park is also a great opportunity to log miles as a part of the Governor’s 100 Missouri Miles challenge on one of the park’s three hiking trails.


Event times: 3 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

28615 Visitor Center Road, Macon, MO | 660-773-5229