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Creatures of Myth and Legend (World Bird Sanctuary)

9/28/2024 | St. Francois State Park | Bonne Terre, MO

Come out to St. Francois State Park for the World Bird Sanctuary’s Creatures of Myth and Legend program! Have you ever wondered whooo inspired a ghost story? World Bird Sanctuary naturalists will share with us all the ways that animals inspire myths and legends around the globe.

The program will take place in the campground near the playground and showerhouse. Be sure to bring a lawn chair or blanket to sit on. Because the event will feature live birds, pets will not be allowed. This is for both their safety and that of the birds.

For more information about this free event, call the park office at 573-358-2173.

Program time: 11 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

St. Francois State Park is located at:

8920 U.S. Highway 67 N., Bonne Terre, MO | 573-358-2173

Associated activities

  • Interpretive Programs