WOW National Outdoor Recreation and Conservation School

10/11/2019 to 10/13/2019 | Roaring River State Park | Cassville, MO

Wonders of Wildlife National Outdoor Recreation and Conservation School introduces people to outdoor activities. A great opportunity for a family outing, WOW teaches participants the basic skills necessary to enjoy outdoor activities in a safe and responsible manner.


Various outdoor activities will be held throughout the park and at local venues, and courses will be taught by knowledgeable instructors. Classes include caving, rappelling, canoeing, shooting sports, fly fishing, fly tying, fishing, archery, primitive skills, camping, outdoors survival, Dutch oven cooking, nature crafts, outdoor photography, high ropes, rock climbing, stargazing and nature identification, to name a few. WOW is a hands-on learning experience that attracts a wide range of ages, interests and abilities.


Check website for hours.


Click here to read the news release.


12716 Farm Road 2239, Cassville, MO | 417-847-2539

Associated activities

  • Interpretive Programs