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Spring Hollow Hike - Losing Stream and Water Flow

5/11/2019 | Bennett Spring State Park | Lebanon, MO

Join park staff at the nature center to hike to Spring Hollow. Along the way, we will discuss where all the water that leads into Bennett Spring originates. This program will include approximately a 4-mile round trip hike to the area above Bennett Spring known as Spring Hollow. Participants can expect to learn about losing streams, water flow and the story karst topography and geology tell about groundwater building many Ozark features like springs, caves and sinkholes. 

Bring comfortable hiking shoes and water to enjoy on the trip. Time will depend on participant stops and inquires along the trail, but it is expected to be approximately two hours.

Hike time: 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
26250 Highway 64A, Lebanon, MO | 417-532-4338

Associated activities

  • Hiking
  • Interpretive Programs