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First Day Hike

1/1/2019 | Johnson's Shut-Ins State Park | Middle Brook, MO

Join us at the park for a sunrise hike to start off the new year! This year’s First Day Hike will begin at Black River Center at 6:45 a.m. We will take the Black River Trail System to Shut-Ins Trail and hike down the boardwalk to the shut-ins. We will stop at the shut-ins overlook to watch the first sunrise of the new year. We will then hike the boardwalk to Horseshoe Glade Trail. We will return to the Black River Trail System and arrive back at Black River Center at approximately 9 a.m.

The Black River Center will open at 6:30 a.m. for people to gather before the hike.

Hike time: 6:45 a.m. - 9 a.m.
Meeting Location: Black River Center

First Day Hikes are promoted by America’s State Parks and you will be joining hikers from all 50 states. For more information about hikes in Missouri State Parks, click here.

148 Taum Sauk Trail, Middle Brook, MO | 573-546-2450

Associated activities

  • Hiking