4/2/2014 | Missouri State Museum | Jefferson City, MO
Thomas Hart Benton was one of America’s foremost mural painters. He produced 14 murals throughout his long career, with "A Social History of The State of Missouri" in the Missouri State Capitol arguably being his best. This program by Steve Sitton, site specialist at the Thomas Hart Benton Home and Studio State Historic Site, will give a brief background of Benton’s life, and take a look at each one of his murals. A highlight of this program will be an appearance by Harold Brown, the last surviving model from Benton's mural in the State Capitol. Click here to read the news release.
The program will be held at 7 p.m. in the museum classroom, which is located in the History Hall in the east wing of the State Capitol. This program continues the programming series, "Museum after Hours," which occurs on the first Wednesday of each month. Missouri State Museum galleries stay open until 9 p.m.
Event time: 7 p.m.
Associated activities
- Interpretive Programs