2013 Katy Trail Ride

at Katy Trail State Park

Click here for information about the 2014 ride.

The 13th annual Katy Trail Ride, June 17-21, allows bicyclists to experience Katy Trail State Park from Clinton to St. Charles. Missouri State Parks and Missouri State Parks Foundation invite you to join them on this scenic five-day ride on the nation's longest developed and most popular rail trail.


This year's ride covers approximately 253 miles of Katy Trail and features great food and many fun activities. Hot showers are available at each overnight stop, enhancing comfortable campsite settings. Participation is limited to 300 people so register early to ensure your place on this scenic ride. Registrations will be accepted until May 1 or until the 300 maximum limit is reached.

Full tour riders receive:
  • Breakfast and dinner daily
  • Outdoor camping spaces each night -- Camping locations:
    • Sunday - Benson Community Center, Clinton
    • Monday - Liberty Park, Sedalia
    • Tuesday - Rock Bridge Elementary School, Columbia
    • Wednesday - South Callaway Elementary School, Mokane
    • Thursday - Community Club Park, Marthasville
  • Hot shower facilities daily
  • Gear shuttle
  • Detailed route map
  • SAG support
  • Katy Trail Ride T-shirt
  • Katy Trail Ride water bottle
Additional Information
Advance/Return Transportation
Contact Us
Hotel Shuttle
Katy Trail Jersey
Other Available Services
Other Ways to Participate
(Day Riders and Non-Riders)

Packet Pickup
Plan Ahead (training)
Reservation Modification Fee
Route Description
Rules and Regulations
SAG (Support and Gear)
Supply Shuttle


Route Description
Day 0
Sunday, June 16

Day 1
Monday, June 17
Approximately 39 miles
Clinton to Sedalia 

Day 2
Tuesday, June 18
Approximately 70 miles
Sedalia to Columbia

Day 3
Wednesday, June 19
Approximately 57 miles 
Columbia to Mokane 

Day 4
Thursday, June 20
Approximately 49 miles
Mokane to Marthasville

Day 5
Friday, June 21
Approximately 38 miles 
Marthasville to St. Charles 


Every participant will receive breakfast and dinner Monday through Thursday and receive breakfast and lunch on Friday. Lunch and snacks can be purchased in the towns along the route. Typical breakfast foods may include pancakes, French toast, eggs, bacon, cereal, rolls, fruit, coffee, milk and orange juice. Typical dinners consist of a meat, pasta or vegetarian entree, salad, vegetables, bread and dessert.

Check-In - Advance Shuttle Riders

Check-in for advance shuttle riders will take place in St. Charles from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and in Columbia from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sunday, June 16.

Packet Pickup

Packet Pickup will be at the ride information booth at the Benson Convention Center between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Sunday, June 16 and between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. on Monday, June 17. Registration packets can be picked up at this time. The packet will contain your official rider tag, map booklet, T-shirt, water bottle, etc.

Reservation Modification Fee

Any change or addition made to a reservation after it has been processed is subject to a $10 charge. The modification fee also applies to requests for refunds for optional services when not included as part of a full refund.


Written cancellations postmarked by May 15, 2013 will receive a refund, minus a $50 cancellation fee. No refunds, for any reason, will be made for cancellations or no-shows occurring after May 15, 2013. Cancellations can be sent to katytrailride@dnr.mo.gov or Missouri State Parks Foundation, P.O. Box 104313, Jefferson City, MO 65110.

Advance/Return Transportation

For an additional $60, you (plus your bicycle and baggage) can be transported on a comfortable air-conditioned motor coach from St. Charles to Clinton on Sunday, June 16, or after the ride on Friday, June 21. Round-trip transportation from Columbia to Clinton on June 16 and from St. Charles to Columbia on June 21 is available for $100. 

  • Advance Shuttle = Board motor coach at St. Charles on Sunday, June 16 and be transported to Clinton for start of the ride.
  • Return Shuttle = Board motor coach at St. Charles on Friday, June 21 and be transported to Clinton after the ride.
  • Round-trip Shuttle = Board the motor coach at Columbia on Sunday, June 16 and be transported to Clinton for the start of the ride. Will also board the motor coach at St. Charles on Friday, June 21 and be transported back to Columbia.
Hotel Shuttle

Hotel shuttle service is available for those who choose not to camp. (A list of participating lodging faciities will be provided after registration.) The shuttle will take participants to and from the overnight camping location at the following times (Exact shuttle times vary depending on the distance between the camping and lodging locations. Shuttle times will be posted at the information booth daily.):

-- From camping location to hotel in early afternoon
-- From hotel back to camping location for dinner and riders’ meeting
-- From camping location to hotel after riders’ meeting
-- From hotel to camping location for breakfast

This shuttle service is $80 for the entire ride or $20 per day if you would like to register only on selected nights. This price is only for those who preregister. Registration for this service at the event will be $25 per day. Preregistration is recommended to ensure availability.


All full-tour participants will receive a 2013 Katy Trail Ride T-shirt as part of their registration. Additional T-shirts may be ordered separately for $12 each.

Support and Gear

SAG stops will be located approximately every 10 miles along the route to provide water, fruit and moral support. Because of the length of the route, logistics of the Katy Trail and any unforeseen weather conditions, the SAG may not be accessible at all times.

Supply Shuttle

Trucks will transport rider’s luggage and equipment along the route. Each rider is allowed no more than two bags. Please do not use plastic totes to haul luggage, as these may become cracked or damaged. There is a weight limit of 50 pounds per bag. A $25 fee per bag will be charged for all bags exceeding 50 lbs. Nothing may be attached to the outside of your bags. Everything but your helmet must fit into these two bags. More details will be sent in the confirmation packet, which will be sent in your registration confirmation email. All bags will be weighed and the weight limit will be enforced. We must do this to ensure the safety of our staff and volunteers.

Rules and Regulations

Helmets: All riders are REQUIRED to wear helmets.

Minors: An adult (preferably a parent or legal guardian) must accompany participants under the age of 18. No bicycle trailers hauling children will be allowed unless accompanied by private SAG support.

Overnight Camping: Campsite locations in Clinton, Sedalia, Columbia, Mokane and Marthasville have been predetermined. Participants must obey all of the rules of these facilities.

Checkpoints: Checkpoints will be located at the information booth at each overnight stop. Each rider is required to sign in at the end of each day’s ride. Volunteers will be stationed at each checkpoint to assist riders throughout the evening.

Plan Ahead

2013 Katy Trail Ride is geared toward the intermediate cyclist. Good physical conditioning will make the ride much more enjoyable. The ride will cover 253 miles in five days with daily mileage ranging from 38 to 70 miles and can be very strenuous. All riders will be expected to complete the ride each day except for true emergencies. Before the ride begins, ride as many miles as possible and ride as often as your schedule allows. Long rides of 40-50 miles are important, as are a series of back to back rides. You should experience cycling in all types of weather and on similar surface terrain as the Katy Trail. June weather in Missouri is unpredictable. It may be hot (in the 90s), humid, windy, rainy or cool at night. Weather conditions can make even the shortest days more challenging. The surface of the Katy Trail is packed crushed limestone. Mountain bicycle and hybrid bicycle tires are best suited for the trail.

Katy Trail State Park Jersey

536A Katy Trail State Park jersey is being developed and will be available for the 2013 Katy Trail Ride. Ride participants can preorder this jersey for a discounted rate of $60. The jersey will be available during the ride and on the website for $65.

Other Ways to Participate

Day Rider - $60/day
Day trips are available to cyclists who would like to participate in the 2013 Katy Trail Ride, but don’t have five days to spare. You may register to ride any of the days of the ride. Day riders receive breakfast, dinner and camping space for each day registered as well as SAG support, a detailed route book and water bottle. Check in at the information booth between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. the night before, or between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. the day of your ride.

Non-Rider - $50/day
Anyone accompanying a cyclist on the trip but who does not wish to ride their bike to get from stop to stop can register as a non-rider. Non-riders provide their own transportation and are not supported during the day's ride. Non-riders receive breakfast, dinner and camping space for each day registered. Check in at the information booth between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. the night before or between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. the first day you are participating.

Other Available Services

(Please note that these services are provided at an additional cost and are not included in the 2013 Katy Trail Ride registration fees. These services are provided by third-party vendors; interested participants will work directly with the vendor.)

Bike service and repair: Available in-route and at the overnight camping location daily.

Massage therapy: May be available at the overnight camping locations.

Tent service: Contact www.PadresCycleInn.com or call 573-721-4400.

Contact Us

Please email katytrailride@dnr.mo.gov if you have questions or comments about the 2013 Katy Trail Ride.

Sponsored By:

The Katy Trail Ride is sponsored by Missouri State Parks and the Missouri State Parks Foundation. The Missouri State Parks Foundation Inc. is a Missouri not-for-profit corporation dedicated to improving the facilities, lands, programs and activities of Missouri state parks and state historic sites. The foundation seeks to direct private, business and other nonprofit assets to enhance the mission of the Missouri state park system.

2013 Fees

Full Tour Registration (Includes: breakfast and supper daily, outdoor camping space each night, hot shower facilities, gear shuttle, detailed route map, SAG support, T-shirt, water bottle)

            Adult (15 years and older)................................................................... $290

            Children (14 years and younger)......................................................... $240

            Family (2 adults and 2 children)................ .......................................... $875

Day Rider Registration (Cyclists who would like to participate but don’t have five days to spare can sign up for individual days. Fee includes breakfast, supper, camping space and SAG support for each day registered.)

            Day Rider Registration.................................................................. $60/day

Non-Rider Registration (Anyone accompanying a cyclist on the trip but does not wish to ride a bike to get from stop to stop can sign up as a non-rider. Fee includes breakfast, dinner and outdoor camping space. Non-riders provide their own transportation between overnight stops and are not supported during the day’s ride.)

            Non-Rider Registration.................................................................. $50/day

Motor Coach Shuttle (Cyclists, their baggage and bicycle will be transported before or after the ride for an additional fee.)

            Advance Shuttle (SUNDAY, June 16)...................................................... $60
            Board at St. Charles and be transported to Clinton for the start of the ride.

            Return Shuttle (FRIDAY, June 21).......................................................... $60
            Board after the ride at St. Charles and be transported to Clinton.

            Round-Trip Shuttle (SUNDAY AND FRIDAY).......................................... $100
            Board the motor coach at Columbia on Sunday and be transported to Clinton
            for the start of the ride. Will also board the motor coach at St. Charles on
            Friday and be transported back to Columbia. FOR THOSE PARKING IN
            COLUMBIA ONLY

Hotel Shuttle (Available to those who choose not to camp. The shuttle will take participants to and from the overnight camping location.)

            Weeklong Shuttle (for participants staying at a hotel every night)... $80

            Daily Shuttle (for participants staying at a hotel four nights or less)...... $20/day

T-shirt (Full-tour participants will receive a shirt with their registration. This section is for Day Riders, Non-Riders or those who wish to order additional T-shirts.)

            Small to XX-Large................................................................................ $12

2013 Katy Trail Ride Volunteers

Here is how you can sign up to help with the 2013  Katy Trail Ride!

  1. Read the Position Descriptions
  2. Fill out the Volunteer Form by Friday, May 3

You should get a call no later than May 15 confirming your volunteer assignment. If you do not hear from us by then, please call 573-449-7402.