Fall Footsteps Weekend

10/22/2011 | Robertsville State Park | Robertsville, MO

Camping guests at the park on Oct. 22 can take a special Fall Tree Hike, which will focus on the trees in the fall season and their impact on the surrounding plant and animal communities. The hike will go from the campground down to the old Calvey Creek stream channel, then to the highest elevation in the park and back to the campground.

This hike will be off trail and have moderately steep slopes and some rugged to muddy terrain. Bring water, snacks and hiking shoes, and be prepared for rainy weather and/or cooler temperatures.

The hike is limited to 25 slots and will last approximately three hours. To reserve your spot, call Erik Otto at 636-257-3788.

Hike time: 9 a.m.
902 State Park Drive, Robertsville, MO | 636-257-3788

Associated activities

  • Hiking