
at Castlewood State Park


There is a playground conveniently located in the middle of the field between the two picnic shelters.

benches near playground equipment with slides and a swing

Park Hours


38.550137, -90.538421

Park Hours

For temporary closures related to weather, stewardship activities and maintenance, as well as temporary trail closures, click here to visit our Park and Site Status Map.

Park Grounds

7 a.m. to one-half hour after sunset, year-round
Park gates open and close at these times.

Park Office hours

9 a.m. to noon, Saturday and Sunday

April through October (On-Season)
9 a.m. to noon, Wednesday through Sunday

9 a.m. to noon, Saturday and Sunday

December through February (Off-Season)
The office telephone is monitored Monday through Friday. The office door is unlocked when staff is available.