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"History of Bennett" Video

8/27/2023 | Bennett Spring State Park | Lebanon, MO

Bennett Spring and its valley have attracted visitors throughout time. In 1924, the state purchased the spring and part of the surrounding area to create one of the first state parks. The following decade, the Civilian Conservation Corps contributed much of the modern-day character of the park by building many structures still used by visitors today, including cabins, a shelter house, roads, trails, the arched bridge across the spring branch, and the rustic dining lodge.

The public is invited to go on a historical walk through time by viewing a video about the history of the area that is now Bennett Spring State Park. Through historical photographs, the video will discuss topics such as traditional Indigenous uses of the area, modern recreational activities at the park, the addition of trout to the spring-fed stream, and the history and preservation of the park’s CCC structures.

The video will be shown in the nature center every hour from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Showing Dates:
  • March 1, 26
  • April 23
  • May 21
  • June 11
  • July 2
  • Aug. 27
  • Sept. 3
  • Oct. 29
Showing Times: 10 a.m., 11 a.m., noon, 1 p.m., 2 p.m.

Click here to read the news release.

Bennett Spring State Park is located at:

26250 Highway 64A, Lebanon, MO | 417-532-4338

Associated activities

  • Interpretive Programs