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Bridge Trail Wellness Hike - Canceled

7/20/2019 | Bennett Spring State Park | Lebanon, MO

This event is canceled!

This wellness hike will begin at the nature center. Bridge Trail will be utilized to boost your mood and reduce stress. The trail is .70 miles long and entirely in deciduous forest with a canopy of oak and hickory trees shading the way. This wellness hike will be led by Ms. Hanson, who is a professor of child and general psychology. She is a certified life coach and recreational therapist. Her doctorate degree was completed in trauma and disaster and she enjoys cultivating, fostering and sharing outdoor skills with the public.

Hike time: 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
26250 Highway 64A, Lebanon, MO | 417-532-4338

Associated activities

  • Hiking