5/28/2018 | Gen. John J. Pershing Boyhood Home State Historic Site | Laclede, MO
Come to the historic site for this annual Memorial Day event. The placing of the memorial wreath at the statue of General Pershing and the Wall of Honor is a long standing community tradition. This year’s event will feature Mike Brown, a retired Army Master Sargent and former site administrator of the historic site for more than 12 years. He will deliver grief comments on Memorial Day and thoughts of General Douglas MacArthur on remembering old soldiers.
The memorial wreath will be placed by Mike Brown and Denzil Heaney. Military honors and a rifle salute will be rendered by Brookfield VFW Post #4557 and American Legion Post #182.
If you have any questions, contact the historic site at 660-963-2525. Click here to read the news release.