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Weekly Wildflower Walks

4/13/2017 to 5/18/2017 | Rock Bridge Memorial State Park | Columbia, MO

Each week, park volunteer Randal Clark will lead a hike to a different part of the park and show participants the wildflowers that are in bloom as spring progresses. Whether you come every week or attend only once, you'll learn about the identification and folklore of each wildflower. This is Clark’s 36th year to lead wildflower walks at Rock Bridge Memorial State Park. 

Meet at the Devil's Icebox parking lot. Reservations are not required. This is held every Thursday April 13 through May 18.  

Hike Dates:
  • April 13, 20 and 27

  • May 4, 11, and 18

Hike Times: 5:30 p.m. - 7 p.m.
5901 S. Highway 163, Columbia, MO | 573-449-7402

Associated activities

  • Hiking
  • Interpretive Programs