4/15/2017 to 10/28/2017 | Bennett Spring State Park | Lebanon, MO
This event will take place on the following Saturdays:
- April 15
- May 20
- June 17
- July 15
- Aug. 5, 19
- Sept. 2
- Oct. 7, 21, 28
This guided hike will leave the nature center and follow along Bennett Spring State Park Road to reach the head of Bennett Spring. Participants will then hike Spring Trail, which goes along the stream branch to the fish hatchery. Culverts, the historic Guage House and a small bridge built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s are features of the trail. The base of the hillside is where the Bennett Spring Hanging Fen Natural Area has a steep, sloped seepage area called a fen. This fen is known for grasses and wildflowers associated with cold water. Sections of the trail feature a combination of woods, bottomland forest and stream habitats. Participants will view Bennett Spring, fish, fishing activities and other natural resources along the trail and will be taken to the fish hatchery in time for the 10 a.m. tour or have the option to return to the nature center.
The approximate distance is 1 mile. Wear shoes that fit well and dress appropriate for weather.
Hike time: 9 a.m.
The May 20 hike is being held in conjunction with the National Kids to Parks Day, sponsored by the National Park Trust. Click here to view other Kids to Parks Day events in Missouri state parks!
Associated activities
- Hiking