9/3/2016 | Arrow Rock State Historic Site | Arrow Rock, MO
“Both Sides Now: Seeing the Santa Fe Trail from Santa Fe and Missouri,” is a lecture presented by Frances Levine, Ph.D., president of the Missouri History Museum in St. Louis. Levine will explore the business connections and relationships of New Mexican and Missouri traders in the Santa Fe trade. The Santa Fe Trail started in Franklin, Mo., in 1821 and continued in use until the railroad reached Santa Fe, New Mexico, in 1881. The trade lifted Missouri from economic depression and gave rise to a thriving mule production industry. The Santa Fe Trail also opened the door for the United States conquest of the American southwest in 1846-1848.
The First Saturday Lecture Series is sponsored by the Friends of Arrow Rock Inc. and is held in the auditorium of the historic site.
Lecture time: 10 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Associated activities
- Interpretive Programs