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Second Annual Pinewood Boat Derby

7/23/2016 | Mark Twain State Park | Florida, MO

Come to the park for friendly competitions racing toy boats. Toy boats were a pastime in the days of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Come and learn about the power of wind and the history of boating. The Army Corps of Engineers will also have demonstrations on boating safety and how to be prepared on the water. Each child will receive a free boat to take home! Please preregister. Only 60 boats will be available! Call the park. The event will take place at  Lake Tom Sawer in Mark Twain State Park, which can be found by taking a left on Tom Sawyer Lake Road just before the museum.

Event time: 9 a.m.
37352 Shrine Road, Florida, MO | 573-248-9980