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Kids Free Fishing Day

5/7/2016 | Bennett Spring State Park | Lebanon, MO

Kid's Free Fishing is for kids age 15 and under. The fishing area will be from the hatchery outlet in Zone 2 (located above the Whistle Bridge) to the last set of concrete stairs in Zone 3 and will be marked with yellow signs. We ask that adults do not actively fish in the kids-only area, but please do help your children learn the joy of fishing. This area will be stocked heavily with fish and lunkers to ensure the kids have the opportunity to be successful. Volunteers will be on hand in the fishing area to assist kids and offer advice on fishing. A free lunch will be provided at Shelter House B (located in Zone 2) from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. for children age 15 and under. Free educational events will also take place around shelter from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

If you would like more information about this event or would like to volunteer for Kid’s Free Fishing, please contact the Missouri Department of Conservation’s Bennett Spring Hatchery by phone at 417-532-4418 or email the hatchery manager Ben Havens at or assistant hatchery manager Mike Perry at

Fishing times: 6:30 a.m. - 8:15 p.m.
26250 Highway 64A, Lebanon, MO | 417-532-4338

Associated activities

  • Fishing