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Museum After Hours: "A Fight for Freedom and Union"

2/6/2013 | Missouri State Museum | Jefferson City, MO

In February, the Missouri State Museum will continue to have “Museum after Hours” on the first Wednesday of each month, when museum galleries will stay open until 9 p.m. Also, at 7 p.m., guest speaker Miller Boyd III will present a program called “A Fight for Freedom and Union.” Boyd, a doctoral candidate from the University of Mississippi, will discuss the African American response to the Civil War in Missouri as well as Black enlistment and contraband free labor in Missouri during the war. The program will take place in the museum classroom, which is located in the History Hall (east wing).

Lecture time: 7 p.m.
First Floor, State Capitol, 201 W. Capitol Ave., Jefferson City, MO | 573-751-2854

Associated activities

  • Interpretive Programs