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First Saturday Lecture Series: "The Forgotten War: Missouri from 1812-1815"

1/5/2013 | Arrow Rock State Historic Site | Arrow Rock, MO

Few Americans realize that the United States fought a second war with Great Britain that some called "the second war for independence."  During the War of 1812, Washington D.C. was burned by British troops, our national anthem was penned by Francis Scott Key and Andrew Jackson gained fame in the Battle of New Orleans that would propel him to the presidency. Even fewer realize that the territory of Missouri was threatened by British agents and their Native American allies from the Great Lakes area. American officials such as William Clark countered the threat through military actions and alliances with the tribes on the Missouri River. Missouri was strategically important as the nation's principal source of lead and furs, both vital commodities at the time. This lecture will be presented by Michael Dickey, site administrator of Arrow Rock State Historic Site, who will examine the state of the nation and the role played by Missouri in the War of 1812 more commonly referred to in the west as "The Indian War." This event is co-sponsored by the Friends of Arrow Rock Inc.

Event time: 10 a.m. - Noon
39521 Visitor Center Drive, Arrow Rock, MO | 660-837-3330

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  • Interpretive Programs