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Museum After Hours: "They Fought Like Tigers: The Battle of Island Mound"

9/5/2012 | Missouri State Museum | Jefferson City, MO

As the first combat action by African American soldiers during the Civil War, the skirmish at Island Mound, in Bates County, Missouri, attracted nationwide attention. Missouri State Parks historian Alison Dubbert will discuss the events leading up to the skirmish (including the recruiting of the African American soldiers), what happened in the skirmish, and the national significance of the skirmish.

This presentation is part of "Museum after Hours,” which occurs the first Wednesday of each month when the Missouri State Museum stays open late -- until 9 p.m. In addition to the special program at 7 p.m., this allows a more relaxed time to view all of the museum exhibits, especially if you have ever wondered what it would be like to visit the museum at night, or your schedule doesn’t allow daytime outings. You will find both old favorites and new including “Civil War Missouri: A House Dividing,” an exhibit that commemorates the 150th anniversary of the Civil War. Evening entry to the museum is through the carriage entrance on the south side of the building underneath the grand staircase.     

Click here to read the news release.

Event time: 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.
First Floor, State Capitol, 201 W. Capitol Ave., Jefferson City, MO | 573-751-2854

Associated activities

  • Interpretive Programs