2/26/2012 | Annie and Abel Van Meter State Park | Miami, MO
Tom Hartline, president of the Sedalia-West Central Chapter of the Missouri Archaeological Society, has researched, written and compiled a collection of authentic examples of the six different types of Cody Complex artifacts all from Missouri. Cody Complex represents a Late Paleo-Indian era. These Native Americans were the last time period that hunted the mega fauna, which included the extinct bison. Hartline will point out the unique style of arrowheads that denote the Cody Complex.
He will be sharing his knowledge of this time period. The Cody Complex people existed 10,500 to 8,000 years ago. By identifying some of the points and knives the Cody Complex are associated with, it is known that they were present along and south of the Missouri River in central Missouri.
Click here to read the news release.
Event time: 2 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Associated activities
- Interpretive Programs