6/8/2012 to 6/10/2012 | Missouri Mines State Historic Site | Park Hills, MO
Rock hobbyists from all over the United States will set up outdoors and under tents to swap and sell rock and mineral specimens, fossils, rock jewelry and other rock-related items. The public is invited and all are encouraged to participate. The historic site and museum will be open free of charge during scheduled hours throughout the event. A covered dish supper for swappers will be held on Saturday evening and auctions of donated rock-related items will be conducted to benefit the site's mineral museum. The historic site co-hosts the rock swap with the Mineral Area Gem and Mineral Society and the Greater St. Louis Association of Earth Science Clubs.Click here to read the news release.
Event times:
9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday
9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday