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Naturalist in the Making Hike

7/20/2019 | Graham Cave State Park | Danville, MO

What do naturalists do when they are out in the field? What do they look for? What do they see? This hike, guided by naturalist Lorie Volenberg, will gear you up to answer those questions. We will be utilizing two discovery backpacks, which are filled with tools to identify wildflowers, ferns, trees, birds and other specimens. Each backpack has a pair of binoculars so you can see things far away, and a hand lens so you can explore tiny things up close. Kids will be given their own discovery book to fill out along the way. If they complete all the projects in the book, they may bring it into the visitor center to get it stamped.


This 2-mile hike on the Loutre River Trail will yield the opportunity to explore different habitats such as bottomland forests, oak and hickory upland forests, and limestone glades. There are some rocky sections of trails, so good hiking shoes are recommended. We encourage you to bring insect repellent and a bottle of water. Special accommodations may be provided on request.


If you would like to attend this hike, please RSVP by contacting the park office at 573-564-3476.


Click here to read the news release.


Event time: 9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m.
217 Highway TT, Danville, MO | 573-564-3476

Associated activities

  • Hiking