4/21/2018 | Nathan and Olive Boone Homestead State Historic Site | Ash Grove, MO
Nathan and Olive Boone Homestead State Historic Site is hosting "Third Saturdays at the Homestead" in 2018. Explore Missouri's frontier past through a variety of hands-on activities. Programs will be hosted at several locations throughout the site and are appropriate for all ages. All events are free and open to the public.
April’s event will focus on the historical skill of whitewashing. Whitewash was an affordable paint used not only on the White House in Washington D.C., but also on the Nathan and Olive Boone Home. Join site staff to learn how whitewash is made and lend a hand whitewashing the fence around the Boone home!
Event time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Associated activities
- Interpretive Programs