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Nature Journaling Workshop: This and That

4/18/2025 | Echo Bluff State Park | Eminence, MO

Echo Bluff State Park is offering a series of four nature journaling workshops from April to October. These workshops will revisit some of the tried-and-true methods of natural journaling and will also introduce new ideas to keep your journals fresh and interesting. Bring your own journal and your favorite drawing tools, and let's have some fun drawing and enjoying nature! 

These events are free and open to the public, but registration is required. To register, or for more information, contact Connie at 573-751-1224 or

Series Schedule:

Each workshop will go from 10 a.m. to noon. You are welcome to attend as many of these classes as you like.

Date Workshop Title Description Location
Apr 18 This and That We will be doing several things that will keep you journaling every day of the year, including making a calendar and a phenology wheel. We'll also play with fonts and engage in other activities. Terrapin Station Shelter
Jun 20 Color Play Bring your favorite instruments for getting color on your page, and let's color! We will also be playing with watercolors. Some watercolor paints and pencils will be provided, but you are encouraged to bring your own if you have them. Bluff Top Pavilion
Sep 19 Sketching Fast and Loose It isn't always possible to take your time drawing an animal – or even a plant for that matter. Sometimes you just have to get something on the page as quickly as you can. So, limber up your fingers and get ready to do some exercises that will help prepare you for fast and loose sketching. Terrapin Station Shelter
Oct 17 Take a Hike Let's take a hike and look at the different layers of the trail. Look up, down and all around. There is something new and different at each layer. How do they all fit together? Terrapin Station Shelter
Workshop times: 10 a.m. - noon

Echo Bluff State Park is located at:

35244 Echo Bluff Drive, Eminence, MO | 573-751-5211

Associated activities

  • Interpretive Programs